Number of items: 957.
Operations and Maintenance Optimization of Stochastic Systems: Three Essays.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Distributed Secondary Voltage Control for AC Microgrids Using Sparsity-Promoting Method.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Abbareddy, Mounika
Investigating factors in the spread of leprosy through household contacts.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Abraham, Olufunmilola and Feathers, Alison and Grieve, Lorin and Dmitriy, Babichenko
Developing and piloting a serious game to educate children about over-the-counter medication safety.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research.
ISSN 1759-8885
Afonso, Samantha
Universal tumor screening for lynch syndrome: investigation of patient reported distress levels.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ahern, Megan
Using Data from Comprehension and Production to Test Competing Theories in Sentence Impairments in Individuals with Aphasia.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ahuja, Avani
Glioma cancer immunosuppressive microenvironment.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Alathur Rangarajan, Anusha
Multi-Modal Magnetic Resonance Imaging Predicts Regional Amyloid Burden in the Brain.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Albert, Megan
Unit reconfiguration to maximize operational efficiency: a process improvement project.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Albusaysi, Salwa
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Potential Predictors of Vulnerability and Treatment Response.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Alland, Kevin
Analyzing Falling Weight Deflectometer Data on Curled and Warped Concrete Slabs.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Allen, Hannah
The Relationship between personality and perceived mental fatigability.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Alotaibi, Rasha
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Althobaiti, Kamal
Examining HIV prevalence and cultural implications of HIV awareness in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Alvarez, Travis
Exploring functional specialization within cerebro-cerebellar circuits for reading.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Alverez, Celeste
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Amatya, Nilesh
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Amemiya, Jamie
School Infractions for Minor Misbehavior in Adolescence: An Observational Study of Developmental Processes and Individual Differences.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Amoabeng, Derrick
Fundamentals and Material Science Aspects of Particle Filled Polymer Blends.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Amole, Marlissa
Mom, I Feel You: Mother-Adolescent Emotional Synchrony and Adolescent Well-Being.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ander, Stephanie E
Defining the Placental Barrier during Toxoplasma gondii Infection.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Andreassen, Helene and Berez-Kroeker, Andrea and Collister, LB and Conzett, Philipp and Cox, Christopher and De Smedt, Koenraad and Gawne, Lauren and McDonnell, Bradley
Writing data citation guidelines for linguistics: Lessons learned.
In: Research Data Alliance Plenary 14, Helsinki, Finland.
Ankenbruck, Nicholas
Detection and Perturbation of MicroRNAs using Synthetic Chemical Probes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Annarumo, Cheyenne
The intersection of opioids and hepatitis C virus in a rural Pennsylvania county - improvements in policy.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Anwer, Hiba
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the good samaritan provision of act 139 in Allegeny county, Pennsylvania.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Archer, Kaye
Proton Transfer in Hydrated Molecular Ions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ardila, Diana Catalina
Towards The Development of a Biologically Functional Tissue Engineered Vascular Graft.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Armbruster Jacas, Cristina
A survey to assess patient's oral health perceptions to help develop an educational program for children.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Arockiaraj, Annie Infancia
Epigenome-wide Association studies in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage patients.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Asan, Alparslan
Nitroalkene Repression of Homologous Recombination as a Treatment for Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ashwin, Christina
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Attaran, Shireen
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Augenstein, Alexander S.
Feudal Networks for Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Revisited.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Aukerman, Andrew
Searches for supersymmetry in the vector boson fusion topology with the ATLAS detector.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Aworo, Oluwafemi
Resilient Microgrids Using a State Controller.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Azevedo, Alyssa
The influence of family functioning in adolescent dental caries.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Babichenko, Dmitriy
Designing Data-Driven Virtual Patients for Health Sciences Education.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Babu, Christopher
Distrust and disconnect: a comprehensive analysis of the sexual assault environment at the University of Pittsburgh.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bacas, Eva
Sociophonetic variation in Bolivian Quechua uvular stops.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bae, Eun-Jung and Park, Na-Jin and Sohn, Hae-Sook and Kim, Yun-Hee
Handgrip Strength and All-Cause Mortality in Middle-Aged and Older Koreans.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (5).
p. 740.
ISSN 1660-4601
Bai, Shoumei and Zhu, Wanhong and Coffman, Lan and Vlad, Anda and Schwartz, Lauren E. and Elishaev, Esther and Drapkin, Ronny and Buckanovich, Ronald J.
CD105 Is Expressed in Ovarian Cancer Precursor Lesions and Is Required for Metastasis to the Ovary.
Cancers, 11 (11).
p. 1710.
ISSN 2072-6694
Bain, Dan and Elliott, Emily and Thomas, Brian and Shelef, Eitan and River, Mark
Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Management: Knowledge Gaps and Approaches.
Bain, Daniel and Elliott, Emily and Shelef, Eitan and Thomas, Brian and River, Mark
Water Quality in Southwestern Pennsylvania: Knowledge Gaps and Approaches.
In conjunction with the Pittsburgh Collaboratory for Water Research, Education, and Outreach, Pittsburgh.
Bajaj-Mahajan, Amoha
The Longitudinal Association of Social Relationship Characteristics With Circulating Markers of Inflammation and Potential Mechanisms in Healthy Older Adults.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Balasubramanian, Midhubalan
Some Directors are More Equal than Others:
Board Social Structure as a Moderator of Elite Director Bias in Acquisition Premium Decisions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Balderston, Daniel
Puntos suspensivos: sobre el manuscrito de "Hombre de la esquina rosada".
Cuarenta Naipes, 1 (1).
pp. 260-274.
ISSN 2718-6571
Banks, Tameika
I Already Exist, I'm Here To "Live": Nursing Home Residents' Self-Determination Attitudes And Beliefs Following A Diabetic Meal Plan.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Banyay, Gregory
Surrogate Modeling and Global Sensitivity Analysis towards Efficient Simulation of Nuclear Reactor Stochastic Dynamics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Bao, Xuefeng
Robust and Adaptive Optimal Control Methods for a Hybrid Neuroprosthesis.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Barnett, Paul Chad
The Head of School at Dystopia’s Edge:
Relationship-Based Independent School Leadership in the Age of Networks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Barr, Timothy
Without Apparent Occasion: Melancholy and the Problem of Motive in Baroque England.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Bauman, Matthew J
A ventral root interface for neuroprosthetic control of locomotion.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Baumann, Sara
A Visual, Community-Engaged Exploration of Menstrual Practices and Motivations Among Adolescent Girls in Far-West Nepal.
Baumann, Sara
A visual, community-engaged exploration of menstrual practices and motivations among adolescent girls in far-west Nepal.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Beall, Edward
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Becker, Diana Rose
Vocal Manifestations of Reported Past Trauma.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Beckwitt, Emily
Single Molecule Studies of DNA Damage Recognition by XPA.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Beeler, Erik and Nobile, Zachary and Homanics, Gregg
Paternal Preconception Every-Other-Day Ethanol Drinking Alters Behavior and Ethanol Consumption in Offspring.
Brain Sciences, 9 (3).
p. 56.
ISSN 2076-3425
Beightley, Hanna
Proposal For Evaluating Lead Education Materials For Pregnant Women In Allegheny County.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Bell, Mitchell
Comparing the Functional Mobility Assessment Outcomes for Wheeled Mobility Devices between VA Telehealth Assessments and In-Person Clinical Assessments.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Benham, Jessica L.
Childhood and Disability: Ethical Considerations.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bentley, Audrey
The Relationship Between Previous Concussion and Cervical Spine Characteristics in Competitive Athletes.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bernick, Christopher
Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans: Training for Teachers of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Besomi, Lucas
Predicting Acute Myocardial Ischemia using Machine Learning applied to Standard 10-second 12-lead ECG.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Biernesser, Candice
Social media and adolescent suicide: exploring risks, benefits, and opportunities for prevention.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Binning, KR and Cook, JE and Purdie-Greenaway, V and Garcia, J and Chen, S and Apfel, N and Sherman, DK and Cohen, GL
Bolstering trust and reducing discipline incidents at a diverse middle school: How self-affirmation affects behavioral conduct during the transition to adolescence.
Journal of School Psychology, 75.
74 - 88.
ISSN 0022-4405
Birru, Rahel
Phloretin, an apple polyphenol, modulates the pathogenicity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated bacteria.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Blake, Pia
Community health workers: a look at effectiveness and recommendations for greater utilization success in a value-based world.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Blatt, Lorraine R
The Association Between School Choice and Racial/Ethnic Test Score Gaps at the District Level.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Blobner, Brandon M
Multidimensional exploration of blood pressure genetics and the epithelial Na⁺ channel.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Block, Douglas
Violence, Vote Choice, and the Provision of Public Security in Brazilian States.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Boatz, Jennifer C.
Aggregate Polymorphism in Protein Deposition Diseases: Investigations by Magic Angle Spinning Solid State NMR and Transmission Electron Microscopy.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Bodnar, Cheryl and Streiner, Scott
Local Curricular Diffusion of Gamified Learning in First Year Engineering Curricula: A Case Study.
Advances in Engineering Education, 7 (3).
ISSN 1941-1766
Bohnert, Kelsey
Thematic analysis of sexual and gender minority enrollment in the all of us Pennsylvania project: implications for public health research.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bologna, E and Graziano, F and Deseri, L and Zingales, M
Power-Laws hereditariness of biomimetic ceramics for cranioplasty neurosurgery.
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 115.
61 - 67.
ISSN 0020-7462
Bolt, Daniel
Synthesis and Reactions N-Heterocyclic Carbene Boranes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Boum Make, Jennifer
Copresences: 20th-21st Century Encounters in the Mediterranean and Caribbean.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Bowman, Marissa
Depressive symptoms and sleep health in midlife women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN).
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Boyd, Kendria
CULTURAL RESPONSIVENESS MATTERS: Exploring the connections between teacher self-efficacy and their engagement in culturally relevant practices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Boyer, Taylor
Comparison of healthcare experiences and healthcare avoidance between binary and nonbinary transgender youth.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Brecker, Regina
Program development of human papillomavirus education program for health officials in the Achham district of Nepal.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Bressin, Robert
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Brewer, Julie
Including individuals in medication assisted recovery into recovery residences.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Brian, Larissa
Undoing the Scene of Sex: Affirmative Consent and the Limits of Recognition in Law's Imaginary.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Briggs, Jennifer O.
Title Page Equity from the Start: Examining In-Service and Preservice Teacher Beliefs and Discourse of Colorblindness in the Early Childhood Classroom.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Brinkman, BG and Goodkind, S and Elliott, K and Joseph, A and Doswell, W
Advocating for equity for Black girls: The formation of the Black Girls Equity Alliance.
Technical Report.
Brodt, Zachary L.
The Talking Dead: Evidence of Life in the Allegheny County Coroner’s Inquest Records.
Manuscripts, 71 (4).
pp. 275-284.
ISSN 0025-262X
Brumbaugh, Rachel
Effects of aging and hand use on language comprehension performance using the Computerized Revised Token Test-Reading-Word Fade and Speed of Processing Battery.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Brunette, Tyler
A (Subaltern) Space of Their Own: Public Space, Middle-Class Childhood, and Mass Media in Late Capitalism.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Brunker, Sarah
Personal experiences of leaders of family-led organizations and their role as advocates: a thematic analysis.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Buchan, Gregory
Formation and signaling of electrophilic lipids in immunity.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Bulas, Ashlyn
Assessing pre-injury health status of older adults who have sustained a traumatic brain injury compared to matched controls.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Bunger, Andrew and Wang, Di and Mian, Chen and Jianzheng, Su and Fengxia, Li
Supporting Data: Parameters Affecting the Distribution of Pulsed Proppant in Hydraulic Fractures.
Burkert, Seth
Metal Nanoparticle-Decorated Carbon Nanocups for Drug Delivery.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Buschur, Kristina
Unsupervised methods for pattern discovery in high-throughput genomic data.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Bushover, Brady
The relationship between physical and social environments and violence involvement among youth in Allegheny County, PA: a spatial analysis.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Butterfield, Rosalind and Siegle, Greg and Lee, Kyung Hwa and Ladouceur, Cecile and Forbes, Erika and Dahl, Ronald and Ryan, Neal and Sheeber, Lisa and Silk, Jennifer
Parental Coping Socialization is Associated with Healthy and Anxious Early-Adolescents’ Neural and Real-World Response to Threat.
Developmental Science.
(In Press)
Byun, Paul
Changes in Arch Dimension and Incisor Position in Patients Treated Non-Extraction with Passive Self-Ligating Brackets.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Miniaturized Dehumidifier Integrated with Acetone Breathalyzer.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Caldwell, Keith
Reducing Racial Bias in Student Opinions of Teaching through an Informational Primer.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Calloway, Regina
Why do You Read?
Toward a More Comprehensive Model of Reading Comprehension: The Role of Standards of Coherence, Reading Goals, and Interest.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Campbell, Patricia L
Assembly and Structure of Bacteriophage Capsids and Tails.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Cantrell, Melissa H and Collister, Lauren B
The status quo bias and the uptake of open access.
First Monday.
Cao, Bojian
Control and Stability Analysis of More Electric Aircraft Power Systems.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Cao, Yinyin
Signaling and Social Influence: The Impact of Corporate Volunteer Programs on Employee Work Behavior.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Capello, Sarah
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Caplan, Scott
Total Synthesis of Divergolides E and H and an Investigation into the Oxidative Rearrangement to Divergolides C and D.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Carder, Evan
Synthetic Efforts Toward P97 AAA+ ATPase and P75 Neurotrophin Receptor Inhibitors.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Carew, Nolan
Defining the role of Cytochrome b5 Reductase 3 in cardiomyocyte function.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Cargill, Kasey
The Role of Hypoxia in Metabolism and Nephron Development.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Carpenter, Abigail
Evaluation of food insecurity screening and direct referral system.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Carr, Terri
Career Collaborative Project: Career Services Supporting Racially Minoritized Students' College-to-Career Transition.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Carter, Jr., William M.
First Amendment:
Freedom of Expression (Spring 2019 edition).
Cason, Theoria M.
Gender, Race, and Sexual Violence: A Mixed Methods Case Study Analysis of Sexual Misconduct Policies at an Elite University.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Castillo, Patricia Andrea
Disruption of Intestinal Th17 Signaling & the Microbiome Exacerbates Extra-Intestinal Pathologies.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Cerilli, Jaime Rakow
Motivation, Implementation and Outcomes of a Cross-border Education Partnership: A Case Study of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Nazarbayev University.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chamberlain, Brittany
Investigating the role of striatal spiny projection neurons in compulsive behaviors.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chanda, Arnab and McClain, Stephen
Mechanical Modeling of Healthy and Diseased Calcaneal Fat Pad Surrogates.
Biomimetics, 4 (1).
p. 1.
ISSN 2313-7673
Chandarana, Meghan and Hughes, Dana and Lewis, Michael and Sycara, Katia and Scherer, Sabastian
Hybrid Model for A Priori Performance Prediction of Multi-Job Type Swarm Search and Service Missions.
In: 2019 19th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR).
Chaphekar, Nupur
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chartrand, Louis
Similarity in conceptual analysis and concept as proper function.
Chattu, Vijay and Chattu, Soosanna and Burman, Deepa and Spence, David and Pandi-Perumal, Seithikurippu
The Interlinked Rising Epidemic of Insufficient Sleep and Diabetes Mellitus.
Healthcare, 7 (1).
p. 37.
ISSN 2227-9032
Chayan, Md Mahmudul Huque
Travel Characteristics-Based Parking Demand Models for Institutional Urban Areas.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, J
Role of Cytochrome P450s in Isoniazid bioactivation.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, J and Woods, BD and Yu, P and Hocevar, M and Car, D and Plissard, SR and Bakkers, EPAM and Stanescu, TD and Frolov, SM
Ubiquitous non-Majorana zero-bias conductance peaks in nanowire devices.
Physical Review Letters, 123 (10).
ISSN 0031-9007
Chen, Kexin
A case study: the volume-based incentive plan at a department of UPMC.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, Lu
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, Peiyu
BIG TRANSITIONS IN A SMALL FISHING VILLAGE:Late Preceramic Life in Huaca Negra, Virú Valley, Peru.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, Qingwen
Exploratory spatial analysis of the distribution of historic residential radon levels in Pennsylvania.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, Shangzhen
Regression modeling for competing risks based on pseudo-observations, with application to breast cancer study.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, Siting
Predictors of weight loss following an intentional weight loss intervention and long-term weight maintenance in overweight and obese young adults.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Chen, Yingxin and Zhang, Jing and Tadikamalla, Pandu R. and Gao, Xutong
The Relationship among Government, Enterprise, and Public in Environmental Governance from the Perspective of Multi-Player Evolutionary Game.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (18).
p. 3351.
ISSN 1660-4601
Chen, Yingxin and Zhang, Jing and Tadikamalla, Pandu R. and Zhou, Lei
The Mechanism of Social Organization Participation in Natural Hazards Emergency Relief: A Case Study Based on the Social Network Analysis.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (21).
p. 4110.
ISSN 1660-4601
Cheng, Cheng and Bunger, Andrew
Supporting Data: Model‐Based Evaluation of Methods for Maximizing Efficiency and Effectiveness of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation of Horizontal Wells.
(In Press)
Cheng, Haizi
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Cheng, Lin
Functionally Graded Lattice Infill and Cooling Channel Design Optimization for Additive Manufacturing.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chi, Hao
Fundamental Study of Cu-Based Catalysts for Methanol Oxidation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chi, Yu
Examining and Supporting Laypeople's Learning in Online Health Information Seeking.
In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, March 10, 2019, Scotland, UK.
Chiang, Michael
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chien, Shih-Yi and Lewis, Michael and Sycara, Katia and Liu, Jyi-Shane and Kumru, Asiye
Influence of Culture, Transparency, Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use.
IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems.
Chin, Adam and Alejandro, Almarza
Regional Mechanical Properties and Regeneration of the Mandibular Condylar Cartilage.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Chmielus, Markus and Stevens, Erica and Mostafaei, Amir and Rodriguez De Vecchis, Pierangeli and Rodriguez De Vecchis, Rafael Thomas and Acierno, Aaron Michael and Kimes, Katerina and Toman, Jakub
Additive Manufacturing: Opportunities and Challenges for Functional Magnetic Materials.
In: 6th International Conference on Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys, 2-7 Jun 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.
Christy, Nicole
Wear Behavior of Aluminum Alloys Made with Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Additive Manufacturing.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Chu, Sarah and Grousd, Jennifer and Alcorn, John
MSCRAMM Proteins Linked to Immune Cell Recruitment in Influenza and Bacterial Super-Infection.
In: First Experiences in Research 2019.
Chung, Angela
Assessing Spatial and Temporal Variability of Reactive Nitrogen in an Urban Fluvial System.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Churchill, Stephanie E
A Homogeneous Field in a Diverse Nation: Fostering Cultural Awareness in SLP Graduate Students.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Clark, Jeffrey Douglas
Do Vesting Requirements Increase the Incentive Effects of Stock Compensation for Rank-and-File Employees?
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Clark, Rebecca
Barriers to uptake of genetic services in families of pediatric hypertrophic cardiomyopathy patients.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Clarke-Smith, Camille
Strong Black Woman Ideology, Stress and Obesity Among African American Women Attending Church: Towards a Framework for the Healthy Strong Black Woman.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Codario, Cristina
Health Equity Evaluation for the Allegheny County Infant Mortality Collaborative.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Cohen, Jacqueline
Relationship between cognition and statin use by genotype at APOE and three proinflammatory cytokine loci in the Long Life Family Study.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Colaco, David
An Investigation of Scientific Phenomena.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Colditz, Jason B and Welling, Joel and Smith, Noah A and James, A Everette and Primack, Brian A
World Vaping Day: Contextualizing Vaping Culture in Online Social Media Using a Mixed Methods Approach.
Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 13 (2).
196 - 215.
ISSN 1558-6898
Collins, Katherine and Jakicic, John and Rogers, Renee and Davis, Kelliann and Ambrosio, Fabrisia
Change in Circulating Klotho in Response to Weight Loss,
with and without Exercise, in Adults with Overweight or Obesity.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Confer, Sheila and Emmerling, Ann and Nelson, Dean and Wilson, Frank
Working and Serving in Pitt’s Regional Communities: Opportunities and Challenges.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Cook, Clayborne
School-based sexuality education in the former Soviet Union: Moldova's approach and how it compares to Estonia's international model.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Cook, Sarah
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Corbit, Victoria
The Effects of Cortical and Pallidal Inputs on
Striatal Microcircuit Activity and Behavioral Output.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Cordier, John
Optimizing hospital stock room and operating room supply chain through automation and simulation.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Corey, Stephanie
Evaluating Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Differences in Human Papillomavirus and Related Cancer Preventive Interventions.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Corrado, Nicholas
A search for WbJ in decays of Y(5S): an analysis design study.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Corrall, Sheila
Reflect, connect, perform: Reframing teacher development for inclusive library learning.
Enhancing teaching and learning in Irish academic libraries: Stories of professional artistry.
Dundalk Institute of Technology for L2L: Library Staff Learning to Support Learners Learning, Dundalk, Ireland, pp. 6-20.
ISBN 978-1-9993665-0-6
Corrall, Sheila
Repositioning Data Literacy as a Mission-Critical Competence.
In: ACRL 2019: Recasting the Narrative, April 10-13, 2019, Cleveland, OH.
Corrall, Sheila
The Social Mission of 21st Century Research Libraries: Building Data Literate Communities.
In: 48th LIBER Annual Conference: Research Libraries for Society, June 26-28, 2019, Dublin, Ireland.
Corrall, Sheila
The Wicked Problem of Data Literacy: A Call for Action.
In: LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference, April 24-26, 2019, Nottingham, UK.
Corrall, Sheila and Collister, Lauren
Designing Research Libraries for Digital Scholarship Innovation: Exploring Global Practices to Revitalize Local Strategies.
In: RLUK19 Reshaping Scholarship: Transformation, Innovation, and Cultural Change, March 20-22, 2019, London, UK.
Corrall, Sheila and Delaney, Mary and Cleary, Ann
Librarians as Teachers: Reframing our Professional Development.
In: LILAC: The Information Literacy Conference, April 24-26, 2019, Nottingham, UK.
Corrall, Sheila and Folk, Amanda and Pullman, Ethan
Reflect, Express, Compare: Reimagine Your Teacher Identity with the TeachPhil U-model and Strengths-Based Reflective Practice.
In: ACRL 2019: Recasting the Narrative, April 10-13, 2019, Cleveland, OH.
Corrall, Sheila and Jolly, Liz
Innovations in Learning and Teaching in Academic Libraries: Alignment, Collaboration, and the Social Turn.
New Review of Academic Librarianship, 25 (2-4).
pp. 113-128.
ISSN 1361-4533 (print), 1740-7834 (online)
Coughlen, Jordan
Buprenorphine in office-based opioid treatment: barriers, beliefs and benefits.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Covaleski, Kylea
Mindfulness in a school setting: considering youth who have experienced trauma.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Crawford, Scott
Surface Chemistry-Mediated Photoluminescence of Small Diameter Coinage Metal Nanoparticles.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Cuddy, Rich
Restricted confidence intervals for ordered binary and survival data.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Cui, Chendi
Vascular burden, brain beta-amyloid, and soy isoflavones: informing dementia prevention programs.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
chheda, urmi
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
D'Angelo, Christopher
Probabilistic Decentralized Active Vibration Control: Stability, Performance, and Robustness.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
DaCanal, Taylor
The Influence of Subsidence Laws and Regulations on the Underground Bituminous Coal Industry in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania over the Last 25 Years.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Dagois, Elise
Transfer learning for a multimodal hybrid EEG-FTCD Brain-Computer Interface.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Dai, Yanan
Imaging Light with Photoelectrons on the Nano-Femto Scale.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dalvi, S. and Gujrati, A. and Khanal, S.R. and Pastewka, L. and Dhinojwala, A. and Jacobs, T.D.B.
Data associated with publication: "Linking energy loss in soft adhesion to surface roughness." by S. Dalvi, A. Gujrati, S.R. Khanal, L. Pastewka, A. Dhinojwala, T.D.B. Jacobs, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019.
Dalvi, Siddhesh and Gujrati, Abhijeet and Khanal, Subarna and Pastewka, Lars and Dhinojwala, Ali and Jacobs, Tevis
Linking energy loss in soft adhesion to surface roughness.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA.
ISSN 1091-6490
Dang, Haixin
Epistemology of Scientific Collaboration.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dankosky, Mary
Assessing a School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Program for Structured Improvement.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dasgupta, Teesta
Establishing Design and Assembly Rules for Peptide Oligonucleotide Chimeras (POCs).
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Davila, Leslie
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
DeCaria, Victor
Variable Stepsize, Variable Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
DePerrior, Sarah
The relationship between pollen, air pollution, and asthma exacerbations in children in Allegheny County, PA from 2003-2011: a case-crossover analysis.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Decker, JoDee
Teacher Attrition: A Study of Teacher Attrition and Support in a County in West Virginia.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Delahanty, Michelle
Understanding the preferences and needs of the people served by the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Deleon, R and Senocak, I
The role of forcing and eddy viscosity variation on the log-layer mismatch observed in wall-modeled large-eddy simulations.
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME, 141 (5).
ISSN 0098-2202
Delserro, Sean
Stress Shielding of the Rotator Cable in the Lateral Rotator Cuff.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Deng, Qiao and Zhang, Hui and Li, Jun and Hou, Xuejun and Wang, Hao
Study of Downhole Shock Loads for Ultra-Deep Well Perforation and Optimization Measures.
Energies, 12 (14).
p. 2743.
ISSN 1996-1073
Derringer, Cory
Illusory Correlation and Valenced Outcomes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Desai, Stuti M
Development of Biorelevant In Vitro Release Testing Methods for Periodontal Microparticles.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Dever, Dennis
Interactive Effects of Load Carriage Magnitude and Marching Velocity on Kinetic, Kinematic and Spatiotemporal Gait Characteristics in Recruit-Aged, Physically Active Females.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Diemler, Nathan
Surface Chemistry Controlled Deposition on Nanoparticle Substrates.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Digbohou, Tchetchet
From Expectations to Reality: Examining International Students' Perception of Support Services at The University of Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dimoff, John
It’s Different When We’re Together: The Impact of Experiencing a Peak-Provoked Cigarette Craving State with a Smoking Friend.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Document, Patricia and Ross, Sharon and Christophersen, Maria and Louth, William and Guevara, Patricia
Engaging Latino Community Members and Students in a Community Health Worker Intervention.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Donahoe, Quinn
A Machine Learning Approach to the Optimal Execution Problem.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Donaldson, Kenneth
Critical Mentoring in Urban Contexts: Culturally Embracing School-Community Collaborative Partnerships.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dong, Ruochen
Design of a Specimen Geometry for the Tensile Testing of Small Samples.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Dorn, Chad
Beyond Pipelines and Pillars: A Comparative Examination of Place-Based Community Development Strategies to Support Early Childhood Development and the Frames That Guide Them.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dougherty, Mark
A Needs Assessment of Student Support Programs for Adult Students at Tri-County Technical College.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
DuPont, Caitlin
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Dufour, Chloe and Neal, Sally
Beyond the checklist: strengthening student’s critical thinking muscles in assessing information.
In: 2019 Information Literacy Summit, Moraine Valley Community College.
Dulaney, Tammy
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Dunworth, Jeffrey
Mesoscale Systems, Finite Size Effects, and Balanced Neural Networks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Durofchalk, Michael
A comprehensive literature review of a call center's impact on quality, access, and cost.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Dutta, Justin
Follistatin-like protein 1 deficiency confers protection from Klebsiella pneumoniae pulmonary infection.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Eagle, Shawn
Action Boundary Perception Accuracy Deficits in Recently Concussed Young Athletes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Eatman, Tim
Keynote Address: Tim Eatman.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Eck, William
Herder's Science of Man: The Origins of Anthropology in the Philosophy of Language.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Eckles, Dean and Esfandiari, Hossein and Mossel, Elchanan and Rahimian, M Amin
Seeding with Costly Network Information.
Eckles, Dean and Mossel, Elchanan and Rahimian, M Amin and Sen, Subhabrata
Long Ties Accelerate Noisy Threshold-based Contagions.
Edershile, Elizabeth
Fluctuations in grandiose and vulnerable narcissistic states: A momentary perspective.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Edvardsson, Hanna
Sexually transmitted infection rates among sexual minority US women aged 15 to 44 years who participated in the National Survey for Family Growth.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Edwards, Eric
The Effects of thyroid medication on bone mineral density: a Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) pharmacoepidemiology study.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Eichinger, Fiona
Laborer, citizen and neighbor: refugee subjectivity in Pittsburgh and Berlin.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Eichinger, Katherine
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Eirkson, Christopher
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Eldridge, Kate Emley
"We know who we are": centering queer and trans youth narratives in the move toward affirmative healthcare.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Eles, James
In Vivo Imaging to Characterize Dynamic Tissue Responses after Neural Electrode Implantation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Elias, Thistle and Boak, Brandi
Bridging the Gaps.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Elil, Jennifer
Barriers to hepatitis A vaccination in homeless populations: a narrative literature review.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Elliott, Leanne
How Low-SES Parents Support Children's Academic Skill Development.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ellis, James E.
Inorganic—Carbon Nanomaterial Composites for Chemical Sensing.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Emery, Rebecca L.
Impulsigenic traits and midlife cardiometabolic risk: The mediating role of maladaptive health behaviors.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Enriquez, Jennifer
State involuntary commitment statutes: how can policy reflect patient-centered care.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Enriquez, Maria
Learning How To Do It: Local, Regional, And National Latinx Theatre Alliance Building In The 21st Century.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Erdogan-Yildirim, Zeynep
Functional investigation of ESR1 fusions identified in endocrine therapy refractory estrogen receptor positive breast cancer.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ertugrul, Ali Mert and Lin, Yu-Ru and Chung, Wen-Ting and Yan, Muheng and Li, Ang
Activism via attention: interpretable spatiotemporal learning to forecast protest activities.
EPJ Data Science, 8 (5).
pp. 1-26.
ISSN 2193-1127
Ettinger, Anna K. and Burke, Jessica G. and Thompson, Jessica and Navratil, Judy and Ripper, Lisa and Jenks, Theresa and Miller, Elizabeth
A Community Engaged Approach for Defining Child and Youth Thriving in Pittsburgh Communities.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Fancher, Ashley T
Disrupting Androgen Receptor Transactivation Domains to Identify Lead Compounds with Potential to be Optimized and Developed into Prostate Cancer Therapeutics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Fang, Cheng
Computational Studies of Olefin Polymerization and Hydroboration with N-Hetereocyclic Carbene Boranes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Farid, Iman
A policy analysis: the state of housing insecurity in Pennsylvania.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Feldman, Julia
Direct Associations between Early Childhood Paternal Depression and School-Age Psychosocial and Academic Functioning, and the Potential Mediating Role of Father-Child Interaction.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ferguson, Grace
Management of the embedded IUD: a case series.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Fike, Kendal
The oral microbiome and subclinical herpesvirus shedding in HIV infected men on ART.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Fischer, Douglas Kite
Examination of the Role of HIV-1 Capsid Sequence on Virus Infectivity, Host Protein Interactions, and Capsid Uncoating.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Fishman, Claire E and Mohebnasab, Maede and van Setten, Jessica and Zanoni, Francesca and Wang, Chen and Deaglio, Silvia and Amoroso, Antonio and Callans, Lauren and van Gelder, Teun and Lee, Sangho and Kiryluk, Krzysztof and Lanktree, Matthew B and Keating, Brendan J
Genome-Wide Study Updates in the International Genetics and Translational Research in Transplantation Network (iGeneTRAiN).
Front Genet, 10.
1084 - ?.
ISSN 1664-8021
Fitzpatrick, Emily
Improving type 1 diabetes management: considerations for a peer support network in Kigali, Rwanda.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Folaron, Margaret and Merzianu, Mihai and Duvvuri, Umamaheswar and Ferris, Robert L. and Seshadri, Mukund
Profiling the Stromal and Vascular Heterogeneity in Patient-derived Xenograft Models of Head and Neck Cancer: Impact on Therapeutic Response.
Cancers, 11 (7).
p. 951.
ISSN 2072-6694
Ford, Melinda
The Effects of Reciprocity and Cognitive Dissonance on Board Members' Clawback Decisions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Forrester, Nicole
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Fox, Hannah
The Role of HSV-1 Protein ICP22 in Transcription.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Franchetti, Fernando
Hunter-gatherer adaptation in the deserts of northern Patagonia.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Francis, Cynthia Marian Rebecca
Investigating circulating MicroRNA expression in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Frawley, Kristin
Methods for assessing cytochrome c oxidase inhibitors and potential antidotes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Freedman, Noah C
Advancing squarewave voltammetry at PEDOT/fCNT carbon fiber microelectrodes for in vivo basal dopamine detection.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Furek, Alexa
Implementing smoke-free laws in the context of the tobacco retail environment in Allegheny county: a geospatial analysis.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Futcher, Regina
A Rainbow of Gay Life: A Comparison of Pittsburgh’s Gay Communities in the 1970’s.
In: ASRA2020, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Intracerebral Implantation of ECM Hydrogel for the Treatment of Stroke.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gabarda, Amanda
Level of Understanding and Attitudes Towards Poverty, Confidence Working With Individuals Experiencing Poverty, and Active Learning of Health Coaches Participating in a Poverty Simulation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gade, Piyusha
Coupled Theoretical and Experimental Methods to Understand Growth and Remodeling of In Situ Engineered Vascular Grafts in Young and Aged Hosts.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gadola, Guy
A Benchmarking Framework for Sensitivity and Comparative Analysis of Energy Harvesting Strategies via Retractable Wind Energy Harvesters.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gadola, Guy
Data Supplement for the PhD dissertation "A Benchmarking Framework for Sensitivity and Comparative Analysis of Energy Harvesting Strategies via Retractable Wind Energy Conversion Systems".
Gallagher, James
Head and neck cancer survivorship care in the United States: existing programs and future directions.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Gallaschun, Cassandra
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gallego-Martin, Teresa and Prieto-Lloret, Jesus and Aaronson, Philip and Rocher, Asuncion and Obeso, Ana
Hydroxycobalamin Reveals the Involvement of Hydrogen Sulfide in the Hypoxic Responses of Rat Carotid Body Chemoreceptor Cells.
Antioxidants, 8 (3).
p. 62.
ISSN 2076-3921
Gallo, Ashley
Legal and behavioral health service responses to substance abuse and addiction in the United States.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Gao, Qi
Multinomial logistic regression and group-based trajectory modeling for longitudinal data of contraceptive methods and recognition of abusive behaviors among women seeking family planning clinical care.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gao, Weibo
Piezoelectric Pressure Sensors as Switching Devices.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Garcia, Christian
Wavelets and multilevel analysis to determine spatial dependencies of seasonal influenza, weather and pollution association across Chile 2010-2016.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Garcia, Seth
Hearing Protection Use and Intertemporal Choice in Industrial Workers.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gardner, Haley and Bilec, Melissa
Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment of a Living Building.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gargani, Matthew
Homogenization of Inconel 718 Made by Additive Manufacturing and Suction Casting.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Garrett, Tyler
Enabling Intra-Plane Parallel Block Erase to Alleviate the Impact of Garbage Collection.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gaskin, Darrell and Roberts, Eric and Chan, Kitty and McCleary, Rachael and Buttorff, Christine and Delarmente, Benjo
No Man is an Island: The Impact of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Mortality.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (7).
p. 1265.
ISSN 1660-4601
Gavin, Samuel
Constitutivism and Natural Normativity in Ethics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gbaintor, Yei
A policy analysis of the University of Pittsburgh opioid campus policy.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Geibel, Jennifer
Title Page
Families and IEP Meetings in a Lower Socioeconomic Urban School Setting:
Identifying Barriers to Participation and Strategies to Increase Engagement.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Genuardi, Michael
The cardiovascular consequences of impaired sleep.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
George, Kelly
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gerlach, Allison
Characteristics Affecting Utilization of Dental Services in Medicaid-Enrolled Children.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gerlach, Amanda
Measuring Empathy in Dentists and Dental Specialists Using the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy – Health Professions Version.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gerth, Rebecca
Wiretapping the Brain: Communication of Spatial Selectivity between Frontal and Parietal Cortices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gharani, Pedram
Visual-Inertial Sensor Fusion Models and Algorithms for Context-Aware Indoor Navigation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gibson, Karl
VTE prevention: an examination of the implementation of SMAT and VTE reeducation.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Gilbert, Cody
Investigating any bi-directional influence between an educational intervention and the subjective task value of digital literacy.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gillen, Colin P.
Critical Elements Detection in Dynamic Networks Under Uncertainty.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gillette, Antony
Spacecraft Mission Agent for Autonomous Robust Task Execution.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gillis, Zachary S. and Morrison, Sara E.
Sign Tracking and Goal Tracking Are Characterized by Distinct Patterns of Nucleus Accumbens Activity.
eneuro, 6 (2).
ISSN 2373-2822
Giusto, Marco
Studio Su Pasolini for Actor, Soprano and Ensemble on Texts by Pier Paolo Pasolini and James Oppenheim.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Givens, David
Digital Devotions: Constructing Sexual and Spiritual Identities through Queer Saint Narratives Online.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Givi, Jerome
Factors impacting local obesity rates in Pennsylvania.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Gliozzi, Megan
Tubular proteinuria and vitamin D deficiency in sickle cell disease.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gomez, Marcela M and Weiss, Martin B.H. and Krishnamurthy, Prashant
Improving Liquidity in Secondary Spectrum
Markets: Virtualizing Spectrum for Fungibility.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Computer Communications.
ISSN 2332-7731
(In Press)
Gong, Chen
Particle Gibbs Methods in Stochastic Volatility Models.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Goode, Joseph and Erlen, Judith and O'Donnell, John and Phrampus, Paul and Sereika, Susan
Simulation in Nursing: Historical Analysis and Theoretical Modeling in Support of a Targeted Clinical Training Intervention.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Goodkind, S
Institutionalized inequity: Pathways to juvenile justice for Black girls in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.
Project Report.
Gopalaswamy, Sindhu
Evidence of Olfactory Deficits in Isolated Orofacial Clefting.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gorski, David
The effects of graduate school on mental disorders.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Graczyk, Patrick
An Administrative Community of Practice.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Graham, Clinton
Sharing the Wealth; Opening Funding.
In: PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2019, 20 November 2019 - 22 November 2019, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain.
Graves, Letitia
Sleep and Symptomology After Spinal Cord Injury.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Graziani, Santino
Flying Capacitor Multilevel Flyback Converter.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gretok, Evan
Comparative Benchmarking Analysis of Next-Generation Space Processors.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Griffith, Amber
Characterizing The Cellular Response To Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanocups For Potential Application In Understanding The Abscission Delay Pathway In Mammalian Cells.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gugerli, Kristen
Oppression, activism, and the political participation of indigenous peoples: a case study in Yucatán, Mexico.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Guo, Jing and Yang, Wei-Lei and Pak, Daewoo and Celestino, Joseph and Lu, Karen H. and Ning, Jing and Lokshin, Anna E. and Cheng, Zhongping and Lu, Zhen and Bast, Robert C.
Osteopontin, Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor and Anti-Interleukin-8 Autoantibodies Complement CA125 for Detection of Early Stage Ovarian Cancer.
Cancers, 11 (5).
p. 596.
ISSN 2072-6694
Guo, Jingchuan
Blood pressure and cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes: an exploration of prediction and control.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Guo, Wei
Understanding and improving mobile reading via scalable and low cost sensing.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gurewitsch, Raanan
‘Pb-predict’: using machine learning to locate lead plumbing in a large public water system.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Gustafson, Jenna
Computational Optimization of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) Arrays for Chemical Sensing.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Gyurisin, Emma
Relationship between genetic-related objectives among state cancer control plans and colorectal cancer incidence and mortality.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Differential Item Functioning for Polytomous Response Items Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hahn, James
Hiding in plain sight: handwriting and applications to steganography.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hakimi, Jedd
“Why Are Video Games So Special?”: The Supreme Court and the Case Against Medium Specificity.
Games and Culture.
pp. 923-942.
Hampton, Jessica
Modernity in Marriage: Tracing Marriage Patterns from the 19th Century to the Present.
In: ASRA2019, University of Pittsburgh.
Hannan, Maggie
Collaborative Improvement in Educational Systems: Exploring Adaptation in Education Reform.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Haposan, Jonathan
Developing a method for characterizing genealogy of parameter values from epidemiological models of infectious disease.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Harding, Alyson B.
Inter-rater reliability of retrospective virtual audits of the built environment.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Harris, Rabiah
Engaging Urban Students in Engineering Design to Determine Shifts in Attitudes Toward STEM.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hartmann, Michael
Computational Studies of Structure and Surface Reactivity in Metal Nanoclusters.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hartwick, Meghan A. and Urquhart, Erin A. and Whistler, Cheryl A. and Cooper, Vaughn S. and Naumova, Elena N. and Jones, Stephen H.
Forecasting Seasonal Vibrio parahaemolyticus Concentrations in New England Shellfish.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (22).
p. 4341.
ISSN 1660-4601
Harzig, Thibaut
Improved Sequence Network for a Grid-Tied Current Controlled Inverter.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hashemi, Amirreza and Babaei, Hasan and Lee, Sangyeop
Effects of medium range order on propagon thermal conductivity in amorphous silicon.
Hasik, Vaclav
Advancing Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hassan, Hatem M.
Thugs in Revolution: Transforming the Criminal Body amidst Political Transition in Egypt, 2011-2016.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hayes, Cory
Conducting a retrospective cohort to evaluate the accuracy of a real-time multiple logistic regression tool for predicting the likelihood of patient readmission.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hayes, Rebecca A.
Not enough, or maybe too much: Associative deficit vs. hyper-binding models of aging in implicit learning.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
He, Jiexiao
Causal Discovery in Social Weather System.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
He, Qifan
The association of high resolution cervical auscultation signal features with hyoid bone displacement during swallowing.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hedderman, Lee
The Effects of Digital Storytelling on Student Learning and Engagement in the Secondary World Language Classroom.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hegde, Riddhi
Improving the operating room efficiency using a lean approach.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Henry, Brandy and Ringler-Jayanthan, Elizabeth and Darling, Isabelle and Wilson, Mel
Challenges in Refugee Resettlement: Policy and Psychosocial Factors.
Herbert, Brandon
Associations between social risk factors and the American Heart Association's life's simple 7 in US adults: NHANES 2015-2016.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Hernández, Felipe
Integrated High-Resolution Modeling for Operational Hydrologic Forecasting.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Herrington, Emily
Enhancement of “Quality of Life” As a Justification for Hand Transplantation: A Review and Critique of the Bioethics Literature After 20 Years of Experience.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Herrington, Emily R.
Conceptions of "Success": The Ethics and Rhetoric of Hand Transplantation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hildreth, Ashley Elizabeth
Investigating the role of the DNA entry-exit site of the nucleosome in transcription termination.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hiles, Jessica Beblo
Teacher Learning Through the Dialogic Space of a Lesson Study Cycle.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Himes, Benjamin
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hoenig, Megan
Genetic testing outcomes in utilization management genetic counseling clinic compared to genetic testing ordered by non-genetics providers.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hoffman, Beth
It's Not All About Autism: the Emerging Landscape of Anti-Vaccination Sentiment on Facebook.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hoffman, Beth L. and Felter, Elizabeth Madison and Chu, Kar-Hai and Shensa, Ariel and Herman, Chad and Wolynn, Todd and Williams, Daria and Primack, BA
It’s not all about autism:
The emerging landscape of anti-vaccination sentiment on Facebook.
Vaccine, 37 (16).
pp. 2216-2223.
Holland, Daniel
Communities of Resistance: How ordinary people developed creative responses to marginalization in Lyon and Pittsburgh, 1980-2010.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Homan, Anne
Presynaptic structure-function relationships at the vertebrate neuromuscular junction.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hong, Dandan
Role of Magnesium on Mineralization and Periosteal Differentiation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hooker, Kelsey
Enhancing the patient experience: a challenge for leadership in health care.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hord, Earl
Impact of permanent housing on opioid dependence in homeless adults in Allegheny County.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Horst, Trevor
Development of Optical Tools to Control Biological Processes.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Howard, Mondraya
ToxR Regulation of Adaptive Responses in Vibrio cholerae.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Howell, Junia and Goodkind, Sara and Jacobs, Leah and Branson, Dominique and Miller, Elizabeth
Pittsburgh's Inequality Across Gender and Race.
City of Pittsburgh Gender Equity Commission, Pittsburgh, PA.
Hower, Michael
Examining the Process of School Facilities Planning: A Closer Look at the Educational Predesign and Design.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hruschak, Valerie
Integrated Psychosocial Group Treatment (IPGT): A Randomized Pilot Trial of a Harm Reduction and Preventative Approach for Chronic Pain Patients at Risk for Opioid Misue.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hu, Ziheng
Achieving Personalized Medicine Using Machine Learning: Clinical Data Mining Studies on Coronary Heart Disease, Substance Use Disorder, and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Huang, Sheng
Ultrafast Laser Fabrication of 3-D Photonic Components and Photonic Topological Insulators.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Huang, SiLang
Rural-urban migration pathways and desires under neoliberal socioeconomic reform in contemporary China.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hufziger, Kyle T.
The Development of Photonic Crystal Optics and Wide-field Raman Imaging Spectrometers for Trace Explosive Detection.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hughes, Christian
When Do We Listen to Social Influencers? Two Essays Examining the Role of Social Influence.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Huguley, JP and Wang, MT and Vasquez, AC and Guo, J
Parental ethnic-racial socialization practices and the construction of children of color's ethnic-racial identity: A research synthesis and meta-analysis.
Psychological Bulletin, 145 (5).
437 - 458.
ISSN 0033-2909
(In Press)
Huguley, James and Wang, M and Vasquez, AC and Guo, J
Parental Ethnic-Racial Socialization Practices and the Construction of Children of Color’s Ethnic-Racial Identity: A Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis.
Psychological Bulletin, 145 (5).
pp. 437-458.
ISSN 0033-2909
Humphrey, Jamie L. and Reid, Colleen E. and Kinnee, Ellen J. and Kubzansky, Laura D. and Robinson, Lucy F. and Clougherty, Jane E.
Putting Co-Exposures on Equal Footing: An Ecological Analysis of Same-Scale Measures of Air Pollution and Social Factors on Cardiovascular Disease in New York City.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (23).
p. 4621.
ISSN 1660-4601
Hung, Chu-Chih
The Role of Magnesium Ions in Osteogenic Signaling Pathways.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Hurd, Alex
Use of survival trees and random forests for modeling time to end stage renal disease.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Husson, Isabelle
Bleaching the rainbow: how high school diversity becomes professional homogeny in speech-language pathology and audiology.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Hwang, Li-Fu
Bio-corrosion studies of biodegradable alloys in the Mg-Y-Sr and Mg-Zn-Sr system.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Infanti, Anthony C and Crawford, Bridget J
The Critical Tax Project, Feminist Theory, and Rewriting Judicial Opinions.
Pittsburgh Tax Review, 16.
Iraqi, Arian
Prediction of Slipping Accidents Using Biomechanical and Traction Analysis of Footwear Outsole Design.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Irizarry, Larissa
Casting Judas: Interracial Intimacy in Jesus Christ Superstar.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Islam, Mohammad N. and Bunger, Andrew P. and Huerta, Nicolas and Dilmore, Robert
Bentonite Extrusion into Near-Borehole Fracture.
Geosciences, 9 (12).
p. 495.
ISSN 2076-3263
Jacob, Maura
The Live Well Allegheny Conversation Project: Increasing Social and Civic Engagement in Order to Address Health Disparities in the Mon Valley.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Jacobs, Tevis and Greiner, Christian and Wahl, Kathryn and Carpick, Robert
Insights into tribology from in situ nanoscale experiments.
MRS Bulletin, 44 (6).
pp. 478-486.
ISSN 1938-1425
Jacobson López, Daniel
El Proceso: Understanding Facilitators and Barriers To Reporting Sexual Assault Among Gay Latino Men.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jaffe, Rachel
Social media's effect on vaccination rates.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Jakubek, Ryan
Insights into the Structure and Hydrogen Bonding Interactions of Polyglutamine Peptides Using UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jakubowski, Karen P.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jang, Heejung
Effects of Social Relations on Mortality in the Context of Grandparenting.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jennings, Brandon
Synchronization Analysis of Winner-Take-All Neuronal Networks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jhaveri, Dishit
Intramolecular Cycloadditions of Allenes with Aminofurans and Aminooxazoles.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Jhunjhunwala, Kunal
Rectal Suppository as a Versatile Platform for Delivering Physicochemically Diverse Antiretrovirals for HIV Prevention.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ji, Beihong
Pharmacokinetics Modeling and Molecular Modeling of Drug-Drug Interactions Between Opioids and Benzodiazepines.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Jiang, Menghan
Corrosion Monitoring of Metal Alloys Using a Line-Focus Ultrasonic Transducer System.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Jiang, Yan
Estimating DNA methylation levels for single-cell bisulfite sequencing (BS-SEQ) data.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Johnson, Annika
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Johnson, Charlotte M and Caringola, Elizabeth
Moving the National Trust Library at UMD.
In: MARAC, 2019-04-11 - 2019-04-13, Morgantown, WV.
Johnson, Charlotte M and Caringola, Elizabeth
Preserving Archival Collections while Preserving the Environment: Has High-Density Storage Made SCUA More Energy Efficient?
In: Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ACRL/ALA annual conference, Baltimore, MD.
Johnston, Kathryn
Characterizing, Controlling, and Using Silver Nanoparticle Surface Chemistry.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jones, Kiana
Activating Book Art for Students Through World Art Themes and Examining the Art Library as a Site for Collecting, Preserving, and Curating Art.
In: Art Libraries Society of North America Conference, 26-30 Mar 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Jones, Kiana and Scorcioni, Giovanni
Facsimile Finder for Libraries.
In: Art Libraries Society of North America, 26-29 Mar 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Jonnalagadda, Pallavi
Cortical Bone Health in African Ancestry Men.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Jordan, David
The Correlation of Force to Deformation of the Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament (mUCL) With Consideration of Band Laxity.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ju, Jinghui
Endometrial pathology in bariatric surgery candidates from three institutions.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Judge-Golden, Colleen
Patient-, Provider- and System-Level Factors Impacting Contraceptive Access and Use.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Justice, Paul
Helping Students Learn Quantum Mechanics using Research-Validated Learning Tools.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kaija, Alec
Porous Pseudomaterials for Studying Structure-Property
Relationships of Gas Adsorption.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kaminsky, Jesse C.
Dimorphite-DL and biotite-tools, two open source programs for the acceleration of structure-based drug design.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Karnes, Anna-Maria
Tenacious Ethiopian Women and Their Rise to Educational Success.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Karns, Steven
Pairing a Learning Activity Types Short Course with Collaborative Curriculum Design: An Approach to Impact Teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK).
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kaufman, Zoe
Program Analysis: Dementia Fall Prevention.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Kayes, Md Imrul
Micro/Nano Structured Materials for Enhanced Device Performance and Antibacterial Applications.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Keane, Gabrielle
Locating literature in the ghost hoax: an exploration of 19th-century print news media.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kehl, Madeline
A response surface analysis investigation of the effects of (mis)alignment between interpersonal values and efficacies on interpersonal problems.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Keibler, David
Changing Teachers’ Perspective of Students from Lower Socioeconomic Families.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kelkar, Rachana S. and Wipf, Peter and Ghazi, Arjumand
Effect of temperature, age and lifespan extending interventions on Caenorhabditis elegans models of amyloid beta pathology.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kellar, Garrett
Cardiac Rehabilitation Knowledge & Attitudes of Cardiology Fellows.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kernion, John
Scientific Argumentation in an Online AP Physics 1 Course.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Khalaf, Aya
A Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface Based on Electroencephalography and Functional Transcranial Doppler Ultrasound.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Khan, Zara
Depression, daily stress, and interpersonal behavior.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Khanna, Sanjeev
Sensorimotor Encoding In Prefrontal Cortex.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kiesling, Scott F.
The ‘Gay Voice’ and ‘Brospeak’:
Towards a Systematic Model of Stance.
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality.
Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford.
(In Press)
Kim, Hyejin
Illness Perceptions and Self-management in Late-life Chronic Disorders.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kim, Janette
Does a functional SNP variance in interleukin-6 lead to increased physiology of delirium in ICU patients?
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kim, Olga
Soviet Tableau: Cinema and History under Late Socialism (1953-1985).
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kiner, Renee and Safin, Kelly
Spotlight on Second Career Librarians.
In: Pennsylvania Library Association 2019 Annual Conference, October 15, 2019, Erie, PA.
King, Christina D.
Development and Applications of Enhanced Multiplexing to Better Understand Aging, Infection, and Alzheimer's Disease.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kissel, Nicholas
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kitutu, JM and Mahmoud, Khadejah FM
Examining Processes that Enhance Retention of Baccalaureate Nursing Students: A Descriptive Case Study in one American University.
International Journal of Nursing student Scholarship, 6 (31).
1 - 13.
ISSN 2291-6679
Kline Jr, Donald
Achieving Reliable and Sustainable Next-Generation Memories.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Klink, Max
The Sustainability of Distributed Leadership.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kljucaric, Luke
Deep-Learning Inferencing with High-Performance Hardware Accelerators.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Knapp, Molly
Employment first: UPMC Community HealthChoices strategic planning to meet policy goals.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Knutson, Evan
The Planning in Life and Adapting to Novel Situations (PLANS): An Ecologically Valid Measure of Every-day Planning.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kochanek, Stanton
Data-Driven HTS Strategies for Selection of Drug Combinations and 3D Models for Physiologically Relevant Drug Discovery.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kocic, Miroslav
Emergence of Social Complexity and Community building in the
Late Neolithic (5400-4600 cal. BCE) of the Central Balkans.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kodra, Dritan
The Galaxy Morphology-Density Relation at High Redshift with CANDELS.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kohut, Kaitlin
Health Literacy and Measurement of Text Difficulty.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Koli, Latisha Sureshkumar
Analysis and improvement of operating room utilization and efficiency at UPMC Mercy.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Koros, S.E.
For(a)ging Jewish spirituality from what is left: problematizing, placing, and practicing.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kozniewski, Marcin
Self-Confidence Measures of a Decision Support System Based on Bayesian Networks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kraisangka, Jidapa
Application of Bayesian Networks to Risk Assessment.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kraus, Sara
Neuromanticism: Emily Brontë and the embodied mind.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Krawchuk, Michael
Optogenetic assessment of VIP, PV, SOM, and NOS inhibitory neuron activity and cerebral blood flow regulation in mouse somato-sensory cortex.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kringle, Emily A
Influencing Sedentary Behavior Through Participation After Stroke.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Krishnamurthy, Narayanan
RF Studies for Ultrahigh Field MRI RF Coils and Arrays.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kristoff, Jan
Programming dendritic cells for the 'kick and kill' of latent HIV-1.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kucukoglu, Irem and Simsek, Burcin and Simsek, Yilmaz
Generating Functions for New Families of Combinatorial Numbers and Polynomials: Approach to Poisson–Charlier Polynomials and Probability Distribution Function.
Axioms, 8 (4).
p. 112.
ISSN 2075-1680
Kupets, Hannah
Growing with gardens: rural nutrition inequity and the development of a gardening nutrition education program for children.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Kurosu, Atsuko
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Kus, Melissa
Interior wayfinding at UPMC Passavant Hospital: a survey of patient and employee opinion and recommendations utilizing best practices.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Kushner, Elizabeth
An exploration of caregiver object labels to children at high vs. low risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: the role of child factors and joint engagement context.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Kwok, Florence
Recommendations for an urban pediatric primary care center to reduce non-urgent emergency department utilization.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Kwon, Youngsung and Kwasinski, Alexis and Kwasinski, Andres
Solar Irradiance Forecast Using Naïve Bayes Classifier Based on Publicly Available Weather Forecasting Variables.
Energies, 12 (8).
p. 1529.
ISSN 1996-1073
Elastic Stiffness Characterization of Anisotropic Materials by Line-focus Ultrasound Transducer.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Toward Robust and Efficient Interpretations of Idiomatic Expressions in Context.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Independent Components Analysis of Local Field Potentials Sources in the Primate Superior Colliculus.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lacey, Cecilia
Assessing the ASL and ASL-Stroop versions of the Computerized Revised Token Test with children.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ladson, Marcy J.
We Didn't Start the Fire: Gas Drilling in Pennsylvania Before the Marcellus Boom.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Laeng, Jennie
Lean thinking in long term care staffing and scheduling.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Lahr, Roni
Elucidating the molecular mechanism of LARP1 in post-transcriptional regulation of TOP transcripts.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Laichak, Amanda J.
Pre-Service Teachers in Costa Rica: Developing Relationships with Diverse Learners and Building Cultural Responsiveness Through an International Field Experience.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lamens, Kristina
Defining the role of CD4+ T cells during human metapneumovirus infection.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lancaster, Ashlyn
A guide to surgical site infections in acute care hospitals.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Landis, Parker
The prevalence and outcomes of morphine use in the initial management of patients with acute myocardial infarction.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Landsman, Rachel
Topics in Labor and Experimental Economics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lane, Matthew
Career Pathway and Academy Experiences: A Study of High School College and Career Readiness.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Langerman, David
Accelerating Real-Time, High-Resolution Depth Upsampling on FPGAs.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Langmead, Alison and Vee, Annette
Syllabus for "Digital Humanity".
Lauer, Aaron
Lead-safe Demolition Working Group Report.
Technical Report.
Institute of Politics, Pittsburgh, PA.
Lauer, Aaron and Nordenberg, Mark and Thieman, Frederick W
Criminal Justice in the 21st Century: Improving Incarceration Policies and Practices in Allegheny County (Fall 2019 Report).
Technical Report.
Institute of Politics, Pittsburgh, PA.
Lawless, Helen Ann
Collective action models for chronic disease prevention: an evaluation of live well Allegheny.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lee, Jia-Ying
The Pathogenesis of GPCR-positive Breast Cancer.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lee, S and Li, Xun
(invited book chapter) Hydrodynamic Phonon Transport: Past, Present, and Prospect.
Nanoscale Energy Transport: Emerging Phenomena, Methods, and Applications.
Institute of Physics Publishing,
Leighton, Cassandra
Evaluating provider and organizational response in select population health management initiatives.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Leonard, Abigail
A Formative Evaluation of a Rural Pennsylvania School District’s Dispositional Hiring Practices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Levine, Kevin
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Levis, Brooke and Benedetti, Andrea and Thombs, Brett D
Accuracy of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for screening to detect major depression: individual participant data meta-analysis.
BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 365.
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1756-1833
Lewis, Patrick
On Grid Converter Reliability: Preserving the Life of Power Electronics Through Active Thermal Boundary Control.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Bijun
Zebrafish bmp10 mutants as a model for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia - associated high output heart failure.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Chao
Protecting data privacy with decentralized self-emerging data release systems.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Chao and Palanisamy, Balaji
Reversible Spatio-temporal Perturbation for Protecting Location Privacy.
Computer Communications.
ISSN 0140-3664
(In Press)
Li, Hongjin
The Psychological Symptom Cluster Among Women with Breast Cancer Before and During Adjuvant Therapy.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Huao and Milani, Stephanie and Krishnamoorthy, Vigneshram and Lewis, Michael and Sycara, Katia
Perceptions of Domestic Robots’ Normative Behavior Across Cultures.
In: AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Society, 27-28 Jan 2019, Honolulu, HI, United States of America.
Li, Jianan
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, La
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Lingjue
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Sihan
Regulations of DNA Damage Response via Gene Copy Number Variations.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Sijie
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Tianke
Extending firing rate models to include ionic effects.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Xingyuan
Modeling exposure-time-response association in the presence of competing risks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Li, Yun Rose and Glessner, Joseph T and Coe, Bradley P and Li, Jin and Mohebnasab, Maede and Chang, Xiao and Connolly, John and Kao, Charlly and Wei, Zhi and Bradfield, Jonathan and Kim, Cecilia and Hou, Cuiping and Khan, Munir and Mentch, Frank and Qiu, Haijun and Bakay, Marina and Cardinale, Christopher and Lemma, Maria and Abrams, Debra and Bridglall-Jhingoor, Andrew and Behr, Meckenzie and Harrison, Shanell and Otieno, George and Thomas, Alexandria and Wang, Fengxiang and Chiavacci, Rosetta and Wu, Lawrence and Hadley, Dexter and Goldmuntz, Elizabeth and Elia, Josephine and Maris, John and Grundmeier, Robert and Devoto, Marcella and Keating, Brendan and March, Michael and Pellagrino, Renata and Grant, Struan FA and Sleiman, Patrick MA and Li, Mingyao and Eichler, Evan E and Hakonarson, Hakon
Rare copy number variants in over 100,000 European ancestry subjects reveal multiple disease associations.
Nat Commun, 11 (1).
255 - ?.
Li, Zequn
Self-Supported Monolith Formation of Silica Nanoparticles with Hollow Nickel Core.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lin, Hang and Tang, Ying and Lozito, Thomas P. and Oyster, Nicholas and Wang, Bing and Tuan, Rocky S.
Efficient in vivo bone formation by BMP-2 engineered human mesenchymal stem cells encapsulated in a projection stereolithographically fabricated hydrogel scaffold.
Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 10 (1).
ISSN 1757-6512
Lin, Jonathan
Exploring potential risk factors associated with interval colorectal cancer.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lin, Karen
Impact of pharmacist-driven medication profile review, medication reconciliation and discharge education on 30-day hospital readmission.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Lin, Li
Improving the duration of airborne isolation for suspected pulmonary tuberculosis: cost-effectiveness analysis.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Allison
The Importance of Representational Shift: An Investigation of the Cognitive Mechanisms and Individual Differences Underlying Math Performance.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Chia-Hsin
The role of chronic inflammation in lung tumorigenesis and the identification of potential biomarkers for lung cancer treatment.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Haonan and Bi, Zhijie and Wan, Zhong and Wang, Xianming and Wan, Yong and Guo, Xiangxin and Cai, Zhongyu
Preparation and Performance Optimization of Two-Component Waterborne Polyurethane Locomotive Coating.
Coatings, 10 (1).
p. 4.
ISSN 2079-6412
Liu, Jing
Transferable credit default swaps with counterparty risks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Kei-Tung (Tony)
A case study: patient-centered hospital design.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Liang and Wang, Rujia and Yang, Jun and Zhang, Youtao
H-ORAM: A Cacheable ORAM Interface for Efficient I/O Accesses.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Rui and Zekun, Cai and Lewis, Michael and Lyons, Joseph and Sycara, Katia
Trust Repair in Human-Swarm Teams+.
In: 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN).
Liu, Siying
Quantitative Prediction of Segregation at Process Scale.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Xinying
Sociodemographic predictors of measles immunization exemption:
Washington state, 2013-2018.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Yanran
Why Do Institutional Investors Oppose Shareholder Activism? Evidence from Voting in Proxy Contests.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Liu, Yiming
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
LoPresti, Samuel
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lockwood, Kimberly G.
Relationships between Daily Diary Assessments of Perceived Discrimination and Cardiovascular Disease Risk: Is Inflammation a Biological Pathway?
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lokare, Omkar
Direct Contact Membrane Distillation for Desalination of High Salinity Brines: Fundamentals and Application.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Long, Tao
Metabolomics Analysis of Brain Monoamines, Metabolites and Amino Acids in Two Models of Menopause with/without Estrogen Receptor Agonist Treatments.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Longley, Ian and Tunno, Brett and Somervell, Elizabeth and Edwards, Sam and Olivares, Gustavo and Gray, Sally and Coulson, Guy and Cambal, Leah and Roper, Courtney and Chubb, Lauren and Clougherty, Jane E.
Assessment of Spatial Variability across Multiple Pollutants in Auckland, New Zealand.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (9).
p. 1567.
ISSN 1660-4601
Lonsky, Jakub
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lorenz-Guertin, Joshua
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Louth, William
Human papillomavirus: knowledge, barriers and facilitators to access anal screening and vaccination among men who have sex with men.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lu, Haoyang
Designing Wireless Networks for Delay-Sensitive Internet of Things.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lu, Lianghao
The Press as a Medium for Change: Periodical Publications and the Shaping of Modern Chinese Buddhism.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lu, Yonghai and Wang, Yeli and Liang, Xu and Zou, Li and Ong, Choon and Yuan, Jian-Min and Koh, Woon-Puay and Pan, An
Serum Amino Acids in Association with Prevalent and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in A Chinese Population.
Metabolites, 9 (1).
p. 14.
ISSN 2218-1989
Luecke, Mirelle
Topsail Alley: Labor Networks and Social Conflict on the New York Waterfront in the Age of Revolution.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lumpkin, Tiffany T
Our Children, Our Impact: Analyzing Student Stressors and the Impacts on Academic Achievement Outcomes for Students at Community Partnership Schools.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Luo, Chengying
Three Essays on the Economic Impact of Firm Activity.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Luo, Zhangyi
Co-delivery of 2-DG and V9302 via a Prodrug Micellar Formulation for Synergistic Targeting of Metabolism in Cancer.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Lynch, Brian
Analysis of multi-way functional data under weak separability, with application to brain connectivity studies.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lypson, Alyssa
Engineering a β–Turn Mimetic Torsion Balance For Conformational Control: Design, Synthetic Strategies and NMR Analysis.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Lyu, Yuan and Kaddour, Hussein and Kopcho, Steven and Panzner, Tyler D. and Shouman, Nadia and Kim, Eun-Young and Martinson, Jeremy and McKay, Heather and Martinez-Maza, Otoniel and Margolick, Joseph B. and Stapleton, Jack T. and Okeoma, Chioma M.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Use of Illicit Substances Promote Secretion of Semen Exosomes that Enhance Monocyte Adhesion and Induce Actin Reorganization and Chemotactic Migration.
Cells, 8 (9).
p. 1027.
ISSN 2073-4409
Reconciling models and observations of Type Ia supernovae and supernova remnants.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Madison, Michael J
Biobanks as Knowledge Institutions.
Global Genes, Local Concerns: Legal, Ethical and Scientific Challenges in International Biobanking.
Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, pp. 22-40.
ISBN 978 1 78811 618 3
Madison, Michael J
The Football as Intellectual Property Object.
A History of Intellectual Property in 50 Objects.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 312-319.
ISBN 110842001X
Madison, Michael J and Frischmann, Brett M and Strandburg, Katherine J
Knowledge Commons.
Routledge Handbook of the Study of the Commons.
ISBN 9781138060906
Madison, Michael J.
What's News?
Critical Analysis of Law, 6 (2).
pp. 240-251.
ISSN 2291-9732
Mahesh, Madhumita
Diverse bodies: a queer history of the representation and self-representation of children in popular media.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mahmood, Oday
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Mahmoud, Amr
Designing Neuromorphic Computing Systems with Memristor Devices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Malinauskas, Jenna
The influence of single nucleotide polymorphisms and epigenetics on HIV disease progression.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mallepalli, Abhignya
Stigma, violence, and pregnancy: exploring treatment of women with opioid use disorder.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Man, Brian
The effects of soy isoflavones on arterial stiffness: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Mandell, Jonathan
Staphylococcus aureus biofilms are highly tolerant to traditional antibiotics but susceptible to engineered antimicrobial peptide WLBU2.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Manzoor, Hamza and Akhuseyinoglu, Kamil and Wonderly, Jackson and Brusilovsky, Peter and Shaffer, Clifford A.
Crossing the Borders: Re-Use of Smart Learning Objects in Advanced Content Access Systems.
Future Internet, 11 (7).
p. 160.
ISSN 1999-5903
Marron, Megan M.
Frailty and walking ability as integrated markers of aging and their metabolomic signatures.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Marshall, Leslie
Three Essays on the Possibilities for Realizing Women's "Collective Interests".
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Martin, Brian
Cardioprotective Actions of Relaxin.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Martin, Lea
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Martin, Sarah
The association of physical activity and perceived physical fatigability on gait speed: the long life family study.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Martinec, Alyssa
An exploration of system justification in China: public opinion on air quality.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mason, Madeline
Animal bite surveillance and treatment for animal bite infections, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania – 2018.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Massaad, Roland
Analysis of the best possible medication history (BPMH) collected at a tertiary care hospial.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Matychak, J.P.
Surveying the Strategic Planning Landscape at US Business Schools: A Comparison of
Traditional and ‘Agile-Infused’ Approaches.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Mavrich, Travis
Investigating the diversity and evolution of temperate actinobacteriophages.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Maxim, Alexandra
Urban Soils in a Historically Industrial City:
Concentration and Biogeochemical Speciation of Trace Metals in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
McAbee, Cheryl
An Analysis OF Zero Tolerance Weapon Policies Related To The School-To-Prison Pipeline Phenomenon.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
McAlister, Shenika
Exploring the Trauma Experiences of Homeless Families: A Literature Synthesis.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
McClay, Erin
An Examination of Primary School Students' Office Discipline Referrals.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
McKeehen, Misti
Program Evaluation of the Alternative Break Pre-Curriculum with the Office of PittServes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
McLane-Higginson, Brooke
Myth and Argument in Plato's Phaedo.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
McNamara, Anne
Understanding Educators’ Everyday Practices in Out-of-School Learning Contexts: Adaptive Facilitation and Social-Emotional Supports.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Meinhardt, Alexa
Compendium of medical cannabis policy in the US and literature review of prenatal cannabis use and its association with adverse neonatal outcomes.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Melcher, Eleanna
Match the melodies: how do musical ability and training frequency affect translation-ambiguous word learning?
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mellers, Michelle
The effect of large-scale economic development on violence and collective efficacy: a natural experiment.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Mellett, Kaleigh
Relationship between variation in the TP53 gene and patient outcomes following severe traumatic brain injury.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mellett, Kaleigh
Reltionship between variation the TP53 gene and patient outcomes following severe traumatic brain injury.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mendez, Gabriella
The impact of partner/family influences and family breastfeeding exposure on breastfeeding practices among black/African American women in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County PA.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mendoza-Arenas, JJ and Gómez-Ruiz, FJ and Rodríguez, FJ and Quiroga, L
Enhancing violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities in nonequilibrium correlated many-body systems by interactions and decoherence.
Sci Rep, 9.
17772 - ?.
Mendoza-Arenas, JJ and Rojas-Gamboa, DF and Plenio, MB and Prior, J
Exciton transport enhancement across quantum Su-Schrieffer-Heeger lattices with quartic nonlinearity.
ISSN 2469-9950
Mendoza-Arenas, JJ and Znidaric, M and Varma, VK and Goold, J and Clark, SR and Scardicchio, A
Asymmetry in energy versus spin transport in certain interacting disordered systems.
ISSN 2469-9950
Meng, Qiudi
Clean Platinum Nano-Catalyst Made Easy.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Menon, Monica
Patient continuity in primary care (Allegheny Health Network).
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Merkel, Chelsea
The Adherens Junction Interactome and the Role of Vinculin in Cytoskeletal Integration at the Cardiomyocyte ICD.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Merrill, Zachary
Impact of Age and Obesity on Anthropometry.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Messina, Olivia
Clostridioides difficile Infection in Rehabilitation Patients with Prior Urine Testing at a Large Academic Medical Center.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Mettus, Roberta
Identification of colistin resistance mechanisms in pmrC-, pmrA-, and pmrB-deficient Acinetobacter baumannii.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Meyer, Jordan
Whose job is it? The role of speech-language pathologists and occupational therapists in supporting environmental alterations for people with Alzheimer's disease.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mineo, Jocelyn
Concordance of actigraphic and ecological momentary assessed sleep.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mody, Dillon/A
The relationship between affordability and utilization of dental services: a secondary data analysis of 2015-2016 NHAMES data.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Moffa, David
A case study of the 2018 Allegheny County Health Department core competency assessment.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Moharil, Pearl
Folic acid conjugated polymer as a nano-carrier: dual targeting of tumor cells and tumor microenvironment.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Mohebnasab, Maedeh and Eriksson, Oskar and Persson, Barbro and Sandholm, Kerstin and Mohlin, Camilla and Huber-Lang, Markus and Keating, Brendan J and Ekdahl, Kristina N and Nilsson, Bo
Current and Future Approaches for Monitoring Responses to Anti-complement Therapeutics.
Front Immunol, 10.
2539 - ?.
Monyei, Abigail
A systematic review of the implementation and use of the Abaqis quality management system at Presbyterian Seniorcare Network and its implications.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Moore, Brianna F. and Butler, Lesley M. and Bachand, Annette M. and Salim, Agus and Reynolds, Stephen J. and Wang, Renwei and Nelson, Tracy L. and Peel, Jennifer L. and Murphy, Sharon E. and Koh, Woon-Puay and Yuan, Jian-Min and Clark, Maggie L.
Diet, Secondhand Smoke, and Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) Levels among Singapore Chinese Adults.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (24).
p. 5148.
ISSN 1660-4601
Moore, Heather
Search For Gut Microbiota-Mediated Composition And Influence In Type 2 Diabetes.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Moore, Heather
Search for gut microbiota-mediated composition and influence in type 2 diabetes.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Moran, Lauren E
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Morgan, Sarah
Systematic literature review of telehealth use in the rural United States.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Morin, Frances
Testing the Sticky Rouse Model for Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Moulis, Manon and Grousset, Elisa and Faccini, Julien and Richetin, Kevin and Thomas, Gary and Vindis, Cecile
The Multifunctional Sorting Protein PACS-2 Controls Mitophagosome Formation in Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells through Mitochondria-ER Contact Sites.
Cells, 8 (6).
p. 638.
ISSN 2073-4409
Mountain, Alexandra
Rough Ice: The Education and Labor of Young Male Ice Hockey Players in Canada, the United States, and Sweden, 1950-1980.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Mpamaugo, Chinenyenwa
The impact of sarcopenia on esophageal cancer treatment outcome.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Mukhortova, Olga
Constructing Post-Soviet Stardom.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Mulla, Reem
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Murawski, Corinne
The role of content-focused coaching in fostering ambitious mathematics teaching practices in elementary classrooms.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Murray, Meghan
An Examination of K-12 Superintendents' Self-Perceptions of Managing the Mainstream Media.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Murrugarra-Llerena, Nils
Learning visual attributes from contextual explanations.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Mutchler, Stephanie
The Effects of Salt and Aldosterone on Vascular and Renal Function.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Muñoz Rojas, Lizette A
Cuisine and the Conquest: Contrasting Two Sixteenth Century Native Populations of the Viceroyalty of Peru.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Myers, David M.
Electrical Current Injection into Exciton-Polariton Condensates and Polariton-Enhanced Exciton Transport.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
mosse, daniel and gadola, guy
Data Supplement for the IGSC 2019 paper ``A benchmark suite for control algorithms of retractable wind-energy harvesters''.
Nakama, Chikako
Cross-sectional association of bone mineral density with coronary artery calcification in multi-ethnic middle-aged men ERA JUMP study.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Napoli, Mary
Perceptions of Campus Climate by African American Students at a Predominantly White Institution.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Naro, Yuta
Small Molecule Inhibition of microRNA-21 & Chemical Approaches to Manipulating the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Nasrollahi, Amir
On the Application of Highly Nonlinear Solitary Waves for Nondestructive Evaluation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Natale, Corinne and Poole, Mary Kathryn and Kalnicky, Emily A. and Taverno Ross, Sharon E.
Guest Perceptions of Physical Activity Point-of-Decision Prompts at a Conservatory with Botanical Gardens.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (12).
p. 2074.
ISSN 1660-4601
Nelson, Melissa M.
Educator Literacy Concerning Elementary Students' Anxiety and Depressive Disorders.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Newlin, Joanna
A Comparison Study of CICO and SG-CICO for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities in an Inclusive Middle School Setting.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Newman, Jeffrey
Supernova Host Survey Times.
Newman, Jeffrey A.
Photometric Redshift Training Survey Times.
Nguyen, Truong
Modelling of flow and transport of non-Newtonian fluids interacting with poroelastic media.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Niznik, Joshua D. and Zhao, Xinhua and Aspinall, Sherrie and He, Meiqi and Hanlon, Joseph and Nace, David and Thorpe, Joshua and Thorpe, Carolyn
Deprescribing of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors in Older Adult Nursing Home Residents with Severe Dementia.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Nmezi, Bruce
The role of Lamin B1 in the organization of the nuclear envelope and myelin regulation in development and disease.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Norman, Mary
Maternal depression during early childhood, persistent aggression into emerging adulthood: neurodevelopmental pathways of risk?
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Nouri-Nikbakht, Roxana
Maternal-Fetal Conflict and the Impact of Ectogenesis.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Novick, Aaron M.
The Prodigal Genetics Returns: Integrating Gene Regulatory Network Theory Into Evolutionary Theory.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Nowalk, Jamie A.
The Importance of Minor Sequence Alterations on the Hydrolysis Behaviors of Degradable Polyesters.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Nwoke, Chigozie Okechukwu
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
ng, chuenyan
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
O'Beirne, Molly
Structure and Stable Isotopic Biogeochemistry of Organic Sulfur in the Geosphere: Application of Bulk and Compound-Specific Sulfur Isotope Analysis to Modern and Ancient Euxinic Systems.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
O'Malley, Teagen
Expanding HIV prevention options for women in abusive intimate relationships: exploring the potential of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
O'Neil-Ortiz, Javier
The Cinematic Animal: Animal Life, Technology, and the Moving Image.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
O'Rourke, Janet M.
A Case Study Exploring the Implementation of Classroom Physical Activity Time During Instruction in an Elementary Setting.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Oberlin, Lauren
Inflammation and Preclinical AD: Associations between Peripheral Inflammatory Biomarkers, Cognition, and Amyloid-B deposition in Non-demented Older Adults.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Oh, Peter B. and Dignam, Alan J.
Disregarding the Salomon Principle: An Empirical Analysis, 1855-2014.
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 39 (1).
pp. 16-49.
ISSN 0143-6503
Ohmer, Mary and Tharp Gilliam, Shannah
Research for Equity and Power (REP): Developing a Community Engaged Research Partnership to address Community Identified Issues.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Ola, Olutoyin
How to deal: Exploring the impact of coping, perceived control, and stress on immune function in patients with advanced cancer.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Derived ECC for Protection of On-Demand Data.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Olsavsky, Jesse
"Fire and Sword Will Affect More Good": Runaways, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835-1860.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Omer, Humair M. and Liu, Peng
Computational Study of the Ni-Catalyzed C–H Oxidative Cycloaddition of Aromatic Amides with Alkynes.
ACS Omega, 4 (3).
pp. 5209-5220.
ISSN 2470-1343
Orr, Derek
Rational zeta series for $\zeta(2n)$ and $\zeta(2n+1)$.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ortiz, Marianna
Interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections in university settings in the US; a literature review.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Owens, Elizabeth
Challenges in efforts to control Yellow fever outbreaks in Brazil since 2016: a literature review.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Owens, Rachel
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Pacella, Teresa
Baseline assessment of organizational culture in an acute care setting prior to an IPE intervention.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Paine, Kirsten
"Not According to the Regulation of War": Intimate Civil War Writing by Female Nurses, Soldiers, and Spies.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Palacios-Barrios, Esther E. and Hanson, Jamie L.
Poverty and self-regulation: Connecting psychosocial processes, neurobiology, and the risk for psychopathology.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 90.
pp. 52-64.
ISSN 0010440X
Palko, Andrew
The Relationship between Previous Concussion Experiences and Undergraduate Faculty’s Knowledge, Confidence, and Perceptions of Concussions and Concussion Management Strategies for Student-Athletes.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Pallage, Hiruni Kamali
Optimization via Benders' Decomposition.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Pallapolu, Manasa
Patient experience at UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Ambulatory Department.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Pantovic, Ljiljana
Private within the Public: Negotiating Birth in Serbia.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Partha, Raghavendran
Evolutionary-based methods for predicting genotype-phenotype associations in the mammalian genome.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Patel, Akhil P
Bioinspired Hydrogel Formulations for Bone Regeneration- Fabrication, Characterization, and In Vivo Efficacy Evaluation in Mice and Rabbits.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Patel, Ravi
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Patel, Varun
Environmental health disparities associated to air stressors in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Patil, Prashanti
Role Of Cellular Senescence in Age-Related Intervertebral Disc Degeneration.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Patron, Oscar
Reconceptualizing Notions of Resilience Through the Experiences of Gay Latino Male Collegians.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Pawlush, Derek
XPPWeb: Porting XPP to the Web.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Peihao, Fan
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Petrie, Jennifer and Onosu, Gloria and Koller, Hillary and Robinson, Anna
Developing Global Competency and Ethical Leadership through Global Service Learning: Exploring
Innovations in Process, Assessment, and Student Experience.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Phillips, GA and Miller, Rebekah S and Miller, Cathryn F
Understanding Graduate Students’ Knowledge About Research Data Management: Workflows, Challenges, and the Role of the Library.
In: Association of College and Research Libraries 2019, 10 April 2019 - 13 April 2019, Cleveland, OH.
Phillips, Gesina A.
“Information Has Value” and Beyond: Copyright Education within and around the Framework.
Copyright Conversations: Rights Literacy in a Digital World.
ACRL, pp. 123-139.
ISBN 978-0-8389-4654-1
Piantadosi, Sean
Translational examination of the orbitofrontal cortex and
striatum in obsessive compulsive disorder.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Piccirillo, Ann
A role of lysophosphatidylcholine transporter MFSD2A in CD8+T cell memory and secondary response to infection.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Pilkonis, Paul
Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Interpersonal Relations Assessment (IRA) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Kobak’s Q-Sort - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Multisource Assessment of Personality Pathology (MAPP) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Neuroticism-Extraversion-Openness Personality Inventory (NEO-PI, NEO-PI-R) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-IV (PDQ-IV) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Relationship Styles Questionnaire (RSQ) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Revised Adult Personality Functioning Assessment (RAPFA) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Social Adjustment Scale – Self-Report (SAS-SR) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders (SCID-II) - Personality Studies.
Pilkonis, Paul
Suicide Behavior Questionnaire – revised version (SBQ-R) - Personality Studies.
Pina, Jason
Evoked Patterns of Oscillatory Activity in Mean-Field Neuronal Networks.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Pisabarro Sarrio, Silvia
Developing sociolinguistic competence through explicit instruction: the case of future-time expression in L2 Spanish.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Plakke, Melissa
Post-mating, pre-zygotic interactions and their potential to drive speciation in the Cabbage White butterfly, Pieris rapae.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Plummer, Samantha
Three Essays on Poverty, Social Services, and Advice-Giving.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Poljak, Leslie and Withers, Clare and Dill, Diana
Integrating Assessment in Online Synchronous and Asynchronous Information Literacy Tutorials.
In: WPWVC-ACRL 2019 Spring Conference, June 7, 2019, Washington & Jefferson College.
Prest, Travis
Development of a peripheral nerve specific extracellular matrix-based hydrogel and its use in augmenting peripheral nerve injury and repair.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Primack, BA and Karim, SA and Shensa, A and Bowman, Nicholas and Knight, Jennifer and Sidani, JE
Positive and negative experiences on social media and social isolation.
American Journal of Health Promotion.
Prokopienko, Alexander
Effect of Kidney Disease and Gut-Derived Uremic Toxins on Flavin Monooxygenases: Clinical and Translational Research Studies.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Punekar, Soumitra Mokashi
Peptide-Based Molecular Transformations for Tuning the Structure and Properties of Chiral Gold Nanoparticle Single Helices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Putnam, Lara and Perez-Putnam, Gabriel
What Dollar Stores Tell Us About Electoral Politics.
Washington Monthly.
ISSN 0043-0633
Quigley, Aisling
Striving to Persist: Museum Digital Exhibition and Digital Catalogue Production.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
An Examination of ESOL Teachers’ Responses to Student Pronunciation Errors: A Linguistic Identity Perspective.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Effects of Chronic Restraint Stress on Aromatase, Estrogen Receptors, Inflammatory Markers and Local Estrogen Production in Brain.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Raehtz, Kevin
Early Events of SIVsab Mucosal Transmission in African Green Monkeys.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Rafikov, Ruslan and James, Joel and McClain, Nolan and Tofovic, Stevan P. and Rafikova, Olga
Role of Gender in Regulation of Redox Homeostasis in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.
Antioxidants, 8 (5).
p. 135.
ISSN 2076-3921
Raghu, Vineet
A Computational Pipeline for Graphical Modeling of Integrated Biomedical Data.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Rahimi, Zahra
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Rahman, Md Tanbin
Classification and clustering for RNA-seq data with variable selection.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Rahman, Omar
Public health implications of an unfolding infectious disease crisis among Rohingya in Bangladesh.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramadan, Mona
Video Analysis by Deep Learning.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramanathan, Rahul
Investigation into the anti-inflammatory properties of metformin as a potential therapeutic agent for lower back pain.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramaswamy, Aneesh K
Adipose Stromal Cell-Based Elastogenesis Therapy for Adult and Pediatric Aortic Defects.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramirez, Jenesis J.
Cultivando y Transformando: Communities of Women Among Latinas in Academia.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ramos Neto, Iolanda
Weaponising controversy: a demarcation of illegitimate dissent.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ran, Xinhui
Using the dimension reduction method FAMD in the data pre-processing step for risk prediction and for unsupervised clustering.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rauktis, Mary and Lee, Hyunji
Animal ownership in low-income households: Is here a relationship between human and animal food insecurity?
Project Report.
Raviotta, Jonathan
The development testing and implementation of the 4 Pillars™ practice transformation program for immunization: achieving public health outcomes through primary care quality improvement.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Redd, Lynnette
Institutional Barriers Affecting The Academic And Social Development Of Underrepresented College Students: Perspectives Of Administrators.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Reese, Lauren
Public health, Victorian domestic space, and the biopolitics of vaccination reform in Bleak House and the lampoons of George Cruikshank.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Ren, Meng
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Renne, William
A Program Evaluation of the North East High School Student Assistance Program.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Renner, Sharon
The effects of fatigue and fatigability on fall risk in older adults.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Reynolds, Allyn
Flann O’Brien: an exegesis of satire.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Riccelli, Catherine
United States historical rape trends and multi-country comparison.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Richards, Jacob
Adaptation of mycobacterium tuberculosis to biofilm growth is genetically linked to drug tolerance.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Richter, Rachael
"I think it's fuzzy": exploring definitions of consent and healthy relationships among college students with disabilities.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rickenbacker, Harold
Monitoring and Evaluation of Air Pollution in Residential and Commercial Buildings: Development and Implementation of Indoor Air Quality and Environmental Justice Frameworks for Communities and Energy Conservation Districts.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Rissling, Karen
The Perceptions of High School Students from Refugee, Immigrant, and Visiting Professional Families about Their School Experiences in Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Rivera, Kevin
West Virginia’s Voluntary Nonopioid Advance Directive: Ethical and Practical Concerns.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Robbins, Elaine
Advancing Methods for In Vivo Neurochemical Monitoring.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Robert, Ryan
Three Essays on the Dynamics of Industry Formation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Robin Berman, Natasha
Telegenetic educational experiences in genetic counseling graduate programs.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rodriguez, Gianfranco
Modelling of Multiphasic Behavior of Biodiesel Transesterification Operating Below Critical Conditions Using CO2 as a Co-solvent with PC-SAFT EoS.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Roman, Evan
Telemedicine: A race to catch up.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Rooney, Kimberly
Triple nothings: racial identity formation in Chinese-American adoptees.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rossi, Esther Diana and Pantanowitz, Liron and Faquin, William C.
The Role of Molecular Testing for the Indeterminate Thyroid FNA.
Genes, 10 (10).
p. 736.
ISSN 2073-4425
Rozynek, Lindsay
Pharyngeal Residue Measurements in Patients Treated with Chemoradiation for Head and Neck Cancer.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rudich, Paige
Defining the Properties and Toxicity Mechanisms of Non-Canonical Translation Products Associated with ALS and Huntington’s Disease Using C. elegans.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ruiz Herrera, Victor
Early prediction of critical events in infants with single ventricle physiology in critical care using routinely collected data.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Russell, Caitlin
Assessment of hemoglobinopathy trait notification in Pennsylvania Newborn Screening.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Russell, Emily M
Discrepant effects of CREBRF on obesity and metabolic phenotypes, and signals of selection in Samoans.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Russell, Jacquelyn
Investigating the Mechanisms of Hepatocyte or Biliary Epithelial Cell-Mediated Liver Regeneration.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ryoo, Bo Hyung
Influence of Phosphine and Halide Ligands on the Properties of Undecagold Nanoclusters.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Rzewnicki, Daniel
Computer-mediated social support in the multicenter AIDS cohort study.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sabnis, Saniya
Infection prevention measures to reduce external ventricular device-related surgical meningitis and ventriculitis.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Saldin, Lindsey T
Esophageal Extracellular Matrix Hydrogel to Restore Dysregulated Microenvironment-Cell Signaling for Treatment of Pre-Malignant and Neoplastic Esophageal Disease.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Salim, Muhammad
Understanding the Effects of Environmental Exposure on Surface Related Properties of Graphene, Graphite, and Rare Earth Oxides.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Salman, Hamdy
Workflow Analysis, Scheduling, and Chance Constraint Models in Community Pharmacy Operations.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Saltmarsh, Jennifer
A Rhetorical Genealogy of Bacterial Psychology.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Salviatto Zago, Fernando
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Samuda, Kyra
Responsivity to grammar violations in L2 Japanese speakers.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sang, Jordan
Assessing relational cognitions among young gay and bisexual men on health outcomes of HIV and mental health.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sansano-Nadal, Orio and Giné-Garriga, Maria and Brach, Jennifer S. and Wert, David M. and Jerez-Roig, Javier and Guerra-Balic, Myriam and Oviedo, Guillermo and Fortuño, Jesús and Gómara-Toldrà, Natàlia and Soto-Bagaria, Luis and Pérez, Laura Mónica and Inzitari, Marco and Solà, Ivan and Martin-Borràs, Carme and Roqué, Marta
Exercise-Based Interventions to Enhance Long-Term Sustainability of Physical Activity in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (14).
p. 2527.
ISSN 1660-4601
Saravanan, Karthikeyan
Computational High Throughput Searches for Efficient Catalysts.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Satpute, Shantanu
FingerSight: A Vibrotactile Wearable Ring to Help the Blind Locate and Reach Objects in Peripersonal Space.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Satty, Robin
Impact of Professional Development for Science Teachers on Efficacy and Autonomy.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Saunders, Simeon
BROTHERHOOD: An Assessment of the Experiences of Black and Latino Male Engineers at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Scalissi, Nicole
Something to See Here: Staged Violence in Contemporary Art.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Schaffer, Rachel
Aging with HIV: Allegheny County’s assisted living facilities preparedness for HIV-positive older adults.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Scharping, Nicole
Immunometabolic requirements of T cell activation and exhaustion.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Scheib, Kimberly A.
Controlling the Self-Assembly of Synthetic Metal-Coordinating Coiled-Coil Peptides.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Schmalstieg, Victoria
Clostridioides difficile prevention in health care settings and future improvement.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Schulz, Benjamin
Practical Knowledge Within Our Means.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Schwartz, Laura
Repair and Self-Formation through Verbal Notation: Analyzing Self in Works by Jennifer Walshe and Pauline Oliveros
An Anatomical Study on Escape [Original Composition].
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Schwartz, Rachel
Increasing Staff Provision of Choice to Adults with Disabilities in a Postsecondary Setting.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Scott, Georgie
Evaluation of Pennsylvania’s
mosquito-borne disease control program and
future directions.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Scott, William D.
Hybridity and Identity in the Pan-American Jazz Piano Tradition.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Scull, Madison T
Barriers, boundaries, and borders: an investigation into transgender experiences within medical institutions.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sejas Portillo, Ana Luz Alejandra
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Semel, Audrey
Process evaluation of the community readiness approach to prevent sexual violence implemented by the Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR).
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Semnani-Azad, Zhaleh and Sycara, Katia and Rice, Danielle and Adair, Wendi and Lewis, Michael
Behavioral Mimicry in Chinese and Canadian Negotiations: Frequency, Duration and Impact.
In: Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences., 8-9 Jan 2019, Grand Wailea, Hawaii, United States of America.
Serrano Castillo, Florencio
Multi-Scale Mathematical Models of Airway Epithelium to Facilitate Cystic Fibrosis Treatment.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Setty, Priyanka
A comparative analysis to predict p53 activity using classification models.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Seyedzadeh Delcheh, Seyed Mohammad
Architectural Techniques for Disturbance Mitigation in Future Memory Systems.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shah, Tanvi
Stabilization of a Tenofovir Alafenamide Fumarate Formulation for Use in a Subcutaneous Implant.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Shams Es Haghi, Barmak
Phenomenology of Neutrino Portal Dark Matter and Supersymmetry.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shao, Huiling
Computational Investigations of Ruthenium-Catalyzed Olefin Metathesis and Rhodium-Catalyzed Olefin Hydroboration Reactions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shedlock, Kathleen
Environmental justice metrics contextualize the preterm birth disparity in Allegheny County.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Shehu, Amina I.
Pregnane X receptor activation potentiates the hepatotoxicity of pharmacoenhancers.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shekell, Calli
Framing for Sense Making in Whole-Class Mathematics Discussions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shekhar, Sudhanshu
Fundamental study of silicate substituted nanostructured calcium phosphates (NanoSiCaPs) and 3-D scaffolds for non-viral gene delivery.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shelton, Celeste
Hereditary pancreatitis: a prototype of chronic pancreatitis to characterize variable genomic elements that impact disease features and family dynamics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shen, Xiaoqi
The Ironic Self: The Intertextual Narrator in Wang Xiaobo’s Fiction.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sherpa, Lhakpa
Essays in Macroeconomics and Public Economics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shields, Erin
Liquid Chromatography Stationary Phases Made Using the Thiol-yne Reaction.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shiflet, Molly
Addressing the opioid epidemic through an evaluation of overdose prevention policies at colleges and universities in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania and across the United States.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Shimko, Emily
Conducting a Comprehensive Needs Assessment of Health and Exercise Science Undergraduates for Service-Learning Preparation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Shu, Kechen
Association Between Diameter of Upper Esophageal Sphincter Maximal Opening and High-Resolution Cervical Auscultation Signal Features.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Shultz, Aryssa
“The system is rigged against me:” exploring a white supremacist community on 4Chan and perceptions of white supremacy at the University of Pittsburgh.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sidani, JE and Shensa, A and Yabes, J and Fertman, CI and Primack, BA
Waterpipe tobacco use in college and non-college young adults in the US
Running head: Non-college hookah smoking.
Family Practice, 36 (2).
pp. 103-109.
Siddiqui, Hinnah
Functional outcomes and mortality rates for ischemic stroke patients presenting to rural hospitals or urban hospitals in Pennsylvania.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Silva, Jose
Medication-assisted treatment in criminal justice systems: a qualitative study on treatment orientation, barriers, and facilitators of Allegheny County Jail.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sim, Junghan
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Simenson, Ashley
Resolution of disparities in obesity and depression prevalence between lesbian and heterosexual women in Pittsburgh: results from the Esther Study.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Simon, Cesar
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Simon, Kelsey
Allegheny County Health Department’s mosquito borne-disease control program 2019 program summary & development plan.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Simurda, Christine
Quantitative Analysis of Thermophysical Properties of Lava Flows on Earth and Mars.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sinsheimer, Andrew
Understanding ACAD9 function and the physiologic consequences of its deficiency.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sipe, Elizabeth A
Co-Teaching: An Interview-Based Study of the Perceptions of Secondary Co-Teachers.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sirleaf, Matiangai
Prosecuting Dirty Dumping in Africa.
The African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples' Rights in Context: Development and Challenges.
Development and Challenges
Cambridge University Press, pp. 553-589.
Sivakanthan, Sivashankar
Usability evaluation of a Self-levelling robotic wheelchair for tip prevention in outdoor environments.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Skinner, Charlotte
Evaluating proposed phenotypic predictors of recurrence risk in unaffected individuals with a family history of isolated cleft lip with or without cleft palate.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Skoko, John and Attaran, Shireen and Neumann, Carola
Signals Getting Crossed in the Entanglement of Redox and Phosphorylation Pathways: Phosphorylation of Peroxiredoxin Proteins Sparks Cell Signaling.
Antioxidants, 8 (2).
p. 29.
ISSN 2076-3921
Slavic, Misty L.
Rightsizing a School District Experiencing Enrollment Decline.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Smalt, Courtney
HIV/AIDS testing and counseling practices in Uganda: a program proposal.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Smith, Jackie
The Growth of Corporate Influence in Sub-National Political & Legal Institutions Undermines U.S. Compliance with International Human Rights Obligations.
Technical Report.
Smith, Jackie
Human Rights City Initiatives as a Peoples Peace Process.
People’s Peace Processes.
Syracuse University Press, New York, pp. 181-201.
Smith, Jackie
Human rights from the ground up: A contribution to the Global Transitions Initiative Forum: Think Globally, Act Locally?
Smith, Jackie and Dalsheim, Joyce
Why busy-ness is so damaging.
Smith, Jackie and Emily, Cummins
UN to U.S. Government: Do Better on Housing.
Solberg, Sajen
Caspase-1 mediated pro-inflammatory cytokine pathway in highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza infection in the non-human primate model.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sombric, Carly
Effects of Biomechanical and Cognitive Factors on Locomotor Learning.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Song, Meiyi
Learning Online for Teaching Online: A Formative Program Evaluation of a Hybrid Faculty Training Program.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Soo, Kevin, W
The Role of Granularity in Causal Learning.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sosa, Yelissa
Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of Halogenated Hapalindole-type Alkaloids.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Spore, Alexander
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sprinker, Carol
Leading a Culture of Making: Investigating Leadership Capacities That Impact Learning Agency by Design Project, Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Srivastava, Avantika
Impact of the treatment assignment model on propensity score-based methods.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Stahl, Elizabeth C.
A Study of Macrophages in the Aging Liver and in the Host Response to Engineered Lung Scaffolds.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Stephany, Bryan
Ethical Awakenings: Stories of White Male Educators’ Commitment to Social Justice and the Interruption of Privilege.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Stoner, Kevin
Barriers to dental care for children with medical assistance.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Stransky, Olivia
Reducing unintended pregnancies in Pennsylvania: increasing access to long-acting reversible contraceptives in Title X clinics.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Strasser, Timothy
An Analysis of Online Adjunct Faculty Perspectives of Institutional Support at Doña Ana Community College.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Stuart McQueen, Shanté and Haynik, Rachelle
Fully Engaging Your Stakeholders: A Case Study of the Just Discipline Project.
In: Community Engaged Scholarship Forum, March 29, 2019, Twentieth Century Club.
Sullivan, Kaitlin
Addressing psychiatric disorders in genetic counseling.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sullivan, Kevin
Depression symptoms on the decline in older adults: birth cohort analyses from the rust belt.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Sullivan, Meghan
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Summers, Lindsay
Evaluating and implementing public health workforce development initiatives to improve competencies of infectious disease staff at a local health department.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Sun, Ran
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sun, Ruichen
Optimizing Donor Human Milk Bank Operations.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sun, Yun-Ting
The importance of having dental hygienists In Taiwan.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Sun, Zhe
Novel statistical methods in analyzing single cell sequencing data.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sun, Zhihao
Substrate Aggregation and Ubiquitination Dictate the Fate of Misfolded Proteins for Endoplasmic Reticulum Associated Degradation over Post Endoplasmic Reticulum Degradation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sun, Zhimin
A Solid-State Refrigeration Design and Its Analytical Model.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sundusiyah, Anis
Language Policy Rationales, Appropriation and Debates: A Case of English as Medium of Instruction in Indonesia’s International-Standard Schools.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Sutton, Rachel M
Candidate gene study of familial pulmonary fibrosis.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Suway, Steven B
Neural State Changes in Primate Motor Cortex During Arm Movements with Distinct Control Requirements.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Svirsko, Anna C
Multiobjective and Robust Optimization in Pharmacy Delivery and Emergency Department Nurse Staffing.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Swain, Alexander
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Sykora, Jeffrey
Fluid Mechanics, Models, and Realism: Philosophy at the Boundaries of Fluid Systems.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
springer, Sydney
Prevalence of Aspirin Receipt and Discontinuation Amongst Veterans Health Administration Community Living Center Residents with Indications for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Tabachnick, Mariel
"You can't forget our roots anyway": French college students' views on a multicultural France.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Takyi, Harold K
Security, Privacy, Confidentiality and Integrity of Emerging Healthcare Technologies: A Framework for Quality of Life Technologies to be HIPAA/HITECH Compliant, with Emphasis on Health Kiosk Design.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Tan, Kaiyang
Predicting Metal-Support Interactions in Oxide-Supported Single-Atom Catalysts.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Tavaslioglu, Onur
Operating Room Scheduling and Integrated Block Assignments under Emergency Arrivals.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Taylor, Ashley L and Collister, Lauren B
Informing the Digital Archive with Altmetrics.
Scholarly and Research Communication, 10 (1).
12 - 12.
Taylor, John
The Interstate Logic: How Networks Change the Cinematic Representation of Time and Space.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Taylor, Michael G.
Ligand-Protected Nanocluster Stability, Doping, and Prediction.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Tembo, Mathew
Mampi the Queen Diva: Articulating Feminism in Zambia’s Fast Music.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Terrazas Duarte, Gabriela
Alleviating the translation-ambiguity disadvantage: Using a placeholder to signal an upcoming translation.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Thanukrishnan, Harisudhan
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Thoma, Cory
Towards Scalable, Cloud Based, Confidential Data Stream Processing.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Thomas, Rebecca
Clearing the Air: E-Cigarettes as a Strategy of Tobacco Harm Reduction.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Thompson, Rebecca
Impact of a one-year behavioral weight management program on depressive symptoms in older adults.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Tian, Binbin
Bound states of Fermions in one dimension.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Ting, Hsiu-Chi
How organisms lacking oxidizable lipids utilize lipid peroxidation for signaling: lipidomics approach.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Tomlinson, Laura
Acting for Reasons.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Tramujas Vasconcellos Neumann, Lycia
The contribution of managed long-term services and supports to aging in place: an evaluation of the use of attendant care services to avoid nursing facility admissions.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Tran, Amy N.D.
Preparing for the rise of consumerism in healthcare: the billing experience.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Tran, Thanhlong
Advances in understanding the regulation of acvrl1 gene expression.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Transue, Emilie
Healthcare threat assessment: classifying attacks, developing a team, and managing threats.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Trelles Yarza, Luis Alejandro
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Trinkle, Mason
eGFP-tagging of the dopamine D2 receptor: re-examination of subcellular receptor localization in the substantia nigra and dorsolateral striatum of transgenic mice.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Trivedi, Gaurav
Interactive Natural Language Processing for Clinical Text.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Trumbull, Brandon
Utilizing quality improvement tools to improve wait times in an outpatient setting.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Tse, Holman
Beyond the Monolingual Core and out into the Wild: A Variationist Study of Early Bilingualism and Sound Change in Toronto Heritage Cantonese.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Tse, Holman
Can heritage speakers innovate allophonic splits due to contact?
In: Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, January 5, 2019, New York, NY.
Tse, Holman
Linguistic dominance, use, and proficiency as factors in heritage language sound change.
In: Workshop on Sound Change 5, June 21, 2019, University of California - Davis, Davis, CA.
Tse, Holman
Vowel shifts in Cantonese?: Toronto vs. Hong Kong.
Asia-Pacific Language Variation, 5 (1).
pp. 67-83.
ISSN 2215-1354
Tse, Holman
What can diasporic languages teach us about the development of phonological distinctions?: Examples from Somali Chizigula Stops and Toronto Cantonese Vowels.
In: Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute Symposium on Linguistic Research with Diaspora Communities (LRDC), June 30, 2019, University of California - Davis, Davis, CA.
Tugwell, Thomas
Gram-Scale Synthesis of Type-A and Type-B Blood Antigens.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Turnquist, Stephanie
Creating outpatient access for Allegheny Health Network patients through an expansion of the Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Institute’s service line.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Uche, Uzodinma
PIK3IP1/TrIP restricts activation of T cells through inhibition of the PI3K/Akt Pathway.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Urbanek, Kelly
A CRISPR screen using BV2 cells identifies sialic acid synthesis genes as required for reovirus attachment and infection.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Van Cleve, Raymond
Home and community based services: who is using them and can they prevent hospital admission?
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Vargo, Tyler
The Disconnect Between College Eligibility and College Readiness.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Vee, Annette
Full Stack Rhetoric: A Response to Rhetorical Machines.
Rhetorical Machines.
Rhetoric, Culture, and Social Critique
University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, AL, 237 - 244.
ISBN 0817359540, 978-0817359546
Veerubhotla, Akhila
How Well Can Wearable Devices Measure Physical Activity in Manual Wheelchair Users with Spinal Cord Injury.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Veneziano, Angelina
An Art Historical & Bibliographical Investigation Of The Albertina Facsimile (Vlämische, holländische, italienische und französische Meiterzeichnungen des XVI. bis XVIII. Jahrhunderts aus der Albertina.).
Comprehensive Paper, University of Pittsburgh.
Vera Rojas, Sofia
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Victor, Sarah E. and Hipwell, Alison E. and Stepp, Stephanie D. and Scott, Lori N.
Parent and peer relationships as longitudinal predictors of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury onset.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 13 (1).
ISSN 1753-2000
Villalba Fernandez de Castro, German Augusto
Understanding Hydrologic Processes and Correlations using Modeling and Machine Learning with Remote Sensing and In-Situ Wireless Sensor Network Data.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Villella, Elise
Gelfand-Zetlin Polytopes and the Geometry of Flag Varieties.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Vincent-Ruz, Paulette
Conceptualizing Science Identity: Its Nature and the Gendered Role It Plays in Early Secondary Students’ Science Choices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Vishnubhotla, Sai Bharadwaj and Chen, Rimei and Khanal, Subarna R. and Hu, Xiaoli and Martini, Ashlie and Jacobs, Tevis
Matching atomistic simulations and in situ experiments to investigate the mechanics of nanoscale contact.
Tribology Letters, 67 (3).
p. 97.
ISSN 1023-8883
Vogler, Nathan
Mechanisms of Synaptic Zinc Plasticity in Mouse Dorsal Cochlear Nucleus.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Vora, Nemi Chetanbhai
A Systems-level Framework for Understanding Sustainability and Resilience
of the U.S. Food-Energy-Water Nexus.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
An insight into an autophagy receptor p62 oligomerization through PB1 domain using molecular modeling.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wade, Nefertiti
United States military STI Screening: policy analysis and implications.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Hongqian and Wang, Yanping and Xiao, Zuoxiang and Li, Wei and Dimitrov, Dimiter and Chen, Weizao
Human Domain Antibodies to Conserved Epitopes on HER2 Potently Inhibit Growth of HER2-Overexpressing Human Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro.
Antibodies, 8 (1).
p. 25.
ISSN 2073-4468
Wang, Justine
Examining the effect of tumor features, BDNF, and 5-HTT genotypes on depressive symptoms in breast cancer.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Lili and Xu, Jiyan and Kong, Yu and Liang, Ruiying and Li, Wei and Li, Jinyao and Lu, Jun and Dimitrov, Dimiter S. and Yu, Fei and Wu, Yanling and Ying, Tianlei
Engineering a Novel Antibody-Peptide Bispecific Fusion Protein Against MERS-CoV.
Antibodies, 8 (4).
p. 53.
ISSN 2073-4468
Wang, Rui
Modeling of CO2 Absorption from Gas Mixtures Using Chemical Absorbents in Adiabatic Packed-Beds.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Shu
Clustering methods with variable selection for data with mixed variable types or limits of detection.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Tianni
From Xu Bing’s Early Works to Dragonfly Eyes.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Wenchen
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Xiaoqian
New Nonlinear Machine Learning Algorithms With Applications to Biomedical Data Science.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Xing
Some Aspects of Higgs Physics and WIMP Dark Matter.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wang, Xinzhi and Yuan, Shengcheng and Zhang, Hui and Lewis, Michael and Sycara, Katia
Verbal Explanations for Deep Reinforcement Learning Neural Networks with Attention on Extracted Features.
In: 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), October, Macau.
Ware, Alix
Street medicine providers as good Samaritans: a legal epidemiological survey of good Samaritan and charitable immunity laws in the United States and territories.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Webster, Berenika M and Koenig, Anne
Lessons Learned from the Hillman Library Textbook Reserves Pilot Program.
In: 2019 Assessment and Teaching Conference, January 25, 2019, University of Pittsburgh.
Webster, Berenika M and Poljak, Leslie and Dill, Diana
Understanding Information Deficits Among Pitt’s First-Year Students.
In: Assessment and Teaching Conference, 25 January 2019, University of Pittsburgh.
Weeden, James and Fertman, Carl and Gibbs, Bethany and Harris, Roderick
Facilitators and Barriers of Physician-Ordered Consultations and Medication Orders
of a Tobacco Treatment Service.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wei, Kai
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Weiss, MBH and Werbach, K and Sicker, DC and Bastidas, CEC
On the application of blockchains to spectrum management.
Weiss, Martin and Werbach, Kevin and Sicker, Douglas and Caicedo, Carlos
On the Application of Blockchains to Spectrum Management.
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
ISSN 2332-7731
Weissman, Alexandra
Development of a rapid clinical flow cytometric assay of neutrophil cell-surface biomarkers.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Weist, Genevieve
Designing Biosensors to Detect the Activity of
Signaling Pathways during Host-Microbe Interactions.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Welsh, Jacqueline and Liu, Tony and Tran, Amy and Wen, Qing and Luangkesorn, Louis
Reengineering the registration process to reduce wait time queues in an outpatient diagnostic center.
Working Paper.
Welty, Jacqueline
Oxidative Damage and Selective Neuronal Vulnerability in Alzheimer's Disease.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wen, X and Lin, YR and Liu, X and Brusilovsky, P and Pineda, JB
Iterative discriminant tensor factorization for behavior comparison in massive open online courses.
Werling, Keith
Mechanical deformation of aperiodic organic systems in response to electrostatic fields: molecular piezoelectricity.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
West, Kelsey L.
Walking, Exploration, and Communication: An Investigation of Developmental Cascades in Infants with Low vs. Heightened Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Whaley, Andrew
Carbapenem resistance: a retrospective review of the literature and clinical data.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Whitaker, Shannon
A rapid literature review of health literacy as a determinant of familial obesity levels.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
White, Douglas
Return to Physical Activity at 24 to 48 Months Status Post Total Knee Replacement: A Needs Assessment Study.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
White, Makenzie
Adapting existing human services to meet the needs of the deaf population: a program evaluation on administrative case management in American sign language.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Whiteman III, Stanley
Increasing Student Engagement With iPads.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wilches-Gutierrez, Jose
Sexual and reproductive health in local mining contexts in Colombia.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wilcox, Madeleine
The NMDA Receptor Transmembrane Region in Receptor Function and Inhibition.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wilk, Kevin
Understanding Type Ia Supernova Spectra.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wilkinson, Patrick
Polyploidy in Liver Regeneration and Adaptation to Chronic Liver Injury.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Williams, Kelly
Exploring the identification and treatment of adolescent anxiety in primary care: the perceptions of primary care providers'.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Williams, Kylia and Carson, Jason and Lo, Cecilia
Genetics of Congenital Heart Disease.
Biomolecules, 9 (12).
p. 879.
ISSN 2218-273X
Williams-Pate, Kyanna
Using social media to disseminate public health campaigns around maternal/child health and chronic diseases.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wilson, Rachael-Anh
In vivo Measurement of Ectopeptidase Activity Using Electroosmotic Perfusion- Microdialysis.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wiringa, Ann
Microbial etiology of endometritis: implications for screening, treatment and post-pelvic inflammatory disease sequelae.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Withers, Clare and Brink, Judith and DeLory, Colleen and Faulkner, Stephanie
LEADing liaisons: From behind the scenes to center stage with new roles in metrics.
In: ACRL 2019 Recasting the Narrative, 10-13 Apr 2019, Cleveland, Ohio.
Withers, Clare and Dill, Diana
Scaffolded Learning Using an Interactive Tutorial: Moving from a one-shot into an in-class exercise using an interactive tutorial for scaffolded learning about literature searching.
In: ACRL 2019 Conference, April 10-13, 2019, Cleveland, Ohio.
Witherspoon, Eben
Localizing and Understanding Mechanisms of Gender Differences Within Pathways Towards and Away from Science Degrees.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wojtalik, Jessica
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wood, Sossena
Anthropomorphic Phantom Developments for the Characterization and Evaluations of MRI RF Coils.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Woods, William Coleman
The Role of Interpersonal Style in Relational Regulation.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Wozniak, Katherine
Polyspermy Blocks used by the African Clawed Frog Xenopus laevis.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wu, Bingchen and Cao, Bin and Taylor, Ian Mitch and Woeppel, Kevin and Cui, Xinyan Tracy
Facile Synthesis of a 3,4-Ethylene-Dioxythiophene (EDOT) Derivative for Ease of Bio-Functionalization of the Conducting Polymer PEDOT.
Frontiers in Chemistry, 7.
ISSN 2296-2646
Wu, Chao-Yi
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wu, Jingyao
Fundamental studies of ultra-high ductility multi-phase Mg-Li based alloys for biodegradable tracheal stent application.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Wu, Mohan
Discrete Miranda-Talenti estimates and applications to linear and nonlinear PDEs.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
wang, dihui
Rear-detection photothermal technique for microscale thermal diffusivity measurement.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Xiao, Fanghui and He, Daqing and Chi, Yu and Jeng, Wei and Tomer, Christinger
Challenges and Supports for Accessing Open Government Datasets.
In: 2019 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 10-14 Mar 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK.
Xiao, Yu
Why Do Autocrats Decentralize?
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Xiao, Zunding
State Estimation of an Acoustic Bubble-Powered Microswimmer from Ultrasound Imaging Data.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Xie, Keping
A simplified ACOT scheme with massive phase space.
Xie, Mimi
Enabling Reliable, Efficient, and Secure Computing for Energy Harvesting Powered IoT Devices.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Xie, Yunfei
Assessing risk factors and predicting sepsis mortality using logistic and survival methods.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Xiong, Shaobai
Weakening local power and strengthening the central government: Wang Mang’s spatial organization reform in the Xin dynasty.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Xiong, Weiyan
A Comparative Study of Ethnic Minority-Serving Higher Education Institutions in the United States and China.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Xu, Jieni
Multifunctional Nanocarriers for Combination Cancer Therapy.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Xue, Lingshu
Long-term effects of diabetes pharmacotherapy and multiple medication use on clinical and economic outcomes from claims datasets.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Anthony
Impact of the Assistive Technology Professional Involvement in the Provision of Mobility Assistive Equipment.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Chenxin
Personalized medicine: application to a breast cancer study.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Lanting
Real-world direct comparison of the effectiveness and safety of apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and warfarin in medicare beneficiaries with atrial fibrillation: a subgroup analysis by a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Melissa
Avian Rhetoric, Murmurations.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Siqiang
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Yahui
Towards A More Sustainable Chemical Process Industry: Engineering Nanocatalysts for Natural Gas Utilization and Carbon Dioxide Conversion.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yang, Yang
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yao, Jie
Modelling stillbirths with natural cubic splines.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Yazdani, Hamza and Huang, Hai and Tsung, Allan
Autophagy: Dual Response in the Development of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Cells, 8 (2).
p. 91.
ISSN 2073-4409
Ye, Ye
Transfer Learning for Bayesian Case Detection Systems.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yeh, Chung-Yang
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yoder, Bryce
The Heinz Chapel Choir: A Brief History.
In: Archival Scholar Research Award 2019.
Yoder, Bryce
Sounds of the Time: Examining the History of the
Heinz Chapel Choir and Changing Campus Culture.
In: Undergraduate Office of Research - Celebration of Research.
Yohannes, Simon
Association between psychiatric symptoms and sexual risk behaviors in immigrants and refugees from Africa living in Sweden.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Yoo, Wonji
The Making of God's Subject: Christian Conversion and Urban Youth in China.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yoon, Nami
Three Essays on Food and Drug Administration's Postmarketing Studies on Prescription Drugs in the United States.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Youngblood, Nathan and Talagrand, Clément and Porter, Benjamin and Galante, Carmelo Guido and Kneepkens, Steven and Sarwat, Syed Ghazi and Yarmolich, Dmitry and Bonilla, Ruy S and Hosseini, Peiman and Taylor, Robert and Bhaskaran, Harish
Broadly-tunable smart glazing using an ultra-thin phase-change material.
Yu, Yang
Associations among problem-solving, adherence to diet and physical activity goals, and weight loss among individuals participating in weight loss study.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Yu, Yang
Patients’ Experiences, Post-operative Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors Related to Weight Change among Patients who have Undergone Sleeve Gastrectomy in China.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Yu, Zac
Syntharch: interactive image search with attribute-conditioned synthesis.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Yu, Zhongjie
Examining sources and dynamics of soil nitric oxide using stable isotope techniques.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zank, Jennifer
Neonatal abstinence syndrome: Magee Womens hospital.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhan, Yunpeng
Synthesis and evaluation of halogenated 20-HETE formation inhibitors.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Danchen and Zadorozhny, Vladimir
SLFTD: a subjective logic based framework for truth discovery.
In: 23rd European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 8-11 September 2019, Bled, Slovenia.
Zhang, Di
Inference on win ratio for clustered semi-competing risk data.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Fubao and Wang, Xianming and Liu, Haonan and Liu, Chunli and Wan, Yong and Long, Yunze and Cai, Zhongyu
Recent Advances and Applications of Semiconductor Photocatalytic Technology.
Applied Sciences, 9 (12).
p. 2489.
ISSN 2076-3417
Zhang, Haihui
Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteer Data (CCVG Data) 数字村庄.
Zhang, Hongfei
Optimization of buprenorphine dosing in pregnant women.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Rongfang
Global Existence and Regularity for the Active Liquid Crystal System.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Sen
Quantum Chemical Studies on Metal Organic Frameworks: Catalysis and Separation.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Tianyu
Methods Development for Isolation of Carbon Nanomaterial Degradation Products Under Simulated Conditions Relevant for their Proposed Use in Desalination Membranes.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Yifan
Stent Location Measurement in the Human Body Using Flexible Antenna.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhang, Yixuan
Stress Dependence of the Burst Experiment for Determining Fracture Toughness.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhao, Haiyun
Low Complexity, Time Accurate, Model Accurate Algorithms in Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhao, Jiaqi
Study of Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cancer Cell Destruction and Cell Separation.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhao, Kehao
Human-Machine Co-Learning Design in Controlling a Double Inverted Pendulum.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhao, Wu
Strength of Granite Saturated by Various Fluids.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zheng, Jason
Social determinants of health and its impact on healthcare expenditure.
Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhong, Zihao
Four-point Bending Based Low-Carbon Steel Plate Corrosion Monitoring by Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Strain Sensor.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhou, Rongpu
Preparing for next-generation galaxy surveys.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhou, Rongpu and Newman, Jeffrey
A Photometric Redshift Testbed for LSST.
Zhu, Jianhui
Statistical learning for the analysis of multimodal sleep in older men.
Master's Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhu, Li
Bayesian variable selection model and differential co-expression network analysis for multi-omics data integration.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhu, Pengcheng
Do CEOs' Outside Directorships Affect the Performance of Their Own Firms?
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zhu, Xiaonan
High-dimensional Bias-corrected Inference, with Applications to fMRI Studies.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zona, Justin
High School STEM Academy Mentor-Mentee Relationships.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Zook, Ben
American Baby Boomers' sourcing of health information.
Undergraduate Thesis, University of Pittsburgh.
Zupan, Robert
Computational Design and Evaluation of a Smart Material Morphing Building Surface Tile.
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
This list was generated on Thu Feb 20 13:20:10 2025 EST.